
导师代码: 21094
导师姓名: 杨杰
性    别:
特    称:
职    称: 教授
学    位: 哲学博士学位
属    性: 专职
电子邮件: jie.yang@uestc.edu.cn

学术经历:   工作经历: 2024/1 - 现在, 电子科技大学,教授 2023/8 - 2023/12,佛罗里达州立大学,教授 2019/8 - 2023/8,佛罗里达州立大学,副教授 2014/8 - 2019/8, 佛罗里达州立大学,助理教授

个人简介:   电子科技大学教授、博导,国家级领军人才。从事前沿计算机科学研究,研究方向包括移动计算和安全、智能无线感知、用户认证和物联网安全等。杨杰教授持续近20年在无线感知、无线移动系统、移动认证和物联网安全等方面取得了具有国际影响力的学术成果,Google Scholar总引用 ~ 10000次,h-index ~ 50。累计发表论文120余篇,如发表在ACM MobiCom, UbiComp, CCS, USENIX Security, IEEE INFOCOM, TMC, ToN, TPDS 等顶会或顶刊论文。多次获得最佳会议或亮点论文奖,如一作ACM MobiCom 2011最佳论文奖等。其多项原创性科研成果被众多著名媒体(如《麻省理工科技评论》、《新科学家》、《Tech Xplore》、《雅虎新闻》、《纽约时报》、《NPR》和《华尔街日报》)广泛报道。 杨杰教授曾任美国佛罗里达州立大学长聘正教授(https://www.cs.fsu.edu/~jieyang),已指导多名博士研究生就职于美国研究型大学长聘预聘轨教授兼博导。曾作为项目负责人主持或共同主持了8项美国国家科学基金项目。连续四年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单,曾获“谷歌研究奖”,Aminer.org“最具影响力学者荣誉提名”,佛罗里达州立大学“青年学者奖”和计算机系“研究奖”。其科研成果被广泛用于世界知名大学课程教学 (如CMU、剑桥大学) 。现任多个国际期刊的编委并长期担任CCF-A类会议程序委员会委员。


研究成果:   部分代表性论文: 1. Person Re-identification in 3D Space: A WiFi Vision-based Approach Y. Ren, Y. Wang, S. Tan, Y. Chen, J. Yang Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2023. 2. Wi-Mesh: A WiFi-based Approach for 3D Human Mesh Construction Y. Wang, Y. Ren, Y. Chen, J. Yang The 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys), 2022. 3. GoPose: 3D Human Pose Estimation Using WiFi Y. Ren, Z. Wang, S. Tan, Y. Chen, J. Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM Ubicomp), 2022. 4. ToothSonic: Earable Authentication via Acoustic Toothprint Y Ren, Z Wang, Y Wang, S Tan, Y Chen, J Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM Ubicomp), 2022. 5. Winect: 3D Human Pose Tracking for Free-form Activity Using Commodity WiFi Y. Ren, Z. Wang, S. Tan, Y. Chen, J. Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM Ubicomp), 2021. 6. EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation-Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables Z. Wang, S. Tan, Y. Ren, L. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM Ubicomp), 2021. 7. Liquid Level Sensing Using Commodity WiFi in a Smart Home Environment Y. Ren, S. Tan, L. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM Ubicomp), September, 2020. 8. Origin-sensitive Control Flow Integrity M. Khandaker, W. Liu, A. Naser, Z. Wang, J. Yang Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2019. 9. MultiTrack: Multi-User Tracking and Activity Recognition Using Commodity WiFi S. Tan, L. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Yang Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2019. 10. ObstacleWatch: Acoustic-based Obstacle Collision Detection for Pedestrian Using Smartphone Z. Wang, S. Tan, L. Zhang, J. Yang The ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp), Pairs, UK, 2019. 11. Hearing Your Voice Is Not Enough: An Articulatory Gesture Based Mobile Voice Authentication L. Zhang, S. Tan, J. Yang Proceedings of the 24rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS 2018), Dallas, USA, October, 2018. (Acceptance rate: 151/843 = 18%). 12. VoiceLive: A Phoneme Localization based Liveness Detection for Voice Authentication on Smartphones L. Zhang, S. Tan, Y. Chen, J. Yang Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS 2017), Vienna, Austria, October, 2017. (Acceptance rate: 137/831 = 16.5%) 13. Leveraging Wearables for Steering and Driver Tracking C. Karatas, L. Liu, H. Li, J. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Tan, Y. Chen, M. Gruteser, R. Martin, J. Yang Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2016), San Francisco, USA, April 2016. (Acceptance rate: 300/1644 = 18.25%) 14. Snooping Keystrokes with mm-level Audio Ranging on a Single Phone J. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Kar, Y. Chen, M. Gruteser, J. Yang Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2015), Paris, France, September 2015. (Acceptance rate: 38/207 = 18.4%) 15. E-eyes: Device-free Location-oriented Activity Identification Using Fine-grained WiFi Signatures Y. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Chen, M. Gruteser, H. Liu, J. Yang Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2014), Maui, Hawaii, Sept. 2014. (Acceptance rate: 36/220 = 16.4%) 16. Multi-lateral Privacy-Preserving Localization in Pervasive Environments T. Shu, Y. Chen, J. Yang and A. Williams Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), Toronto, Canada, April 2014. (Acceptance rate: 19%) 17. Measuring Human Queues using WiFi Signals Y. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Chen, H. Liu, M. Gruteser, R. P. Martin ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2013), Pages 235-238, Poster Session, Miami, Sept. 2013.- Winner of Student Research Competition 18. Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless Networks J. Yang, Y. Chen, W. Trappe and J. Cheng, IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), Volume 24, No.1, Pages 44-58, 2013. 19. Sensing Driver Phone Use with Acoustic Ranging Through Car Speakers J. Yang, S. Sidhom, G. Chandrasekaran, T. Vu, H. Liu, N. Cecan, Y. Chen, M. Gruteser and R. P. Martin IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Volume11, NO.9, Pages 1426-1440, 2012. 20. Push the Limit of WiFi-based Localization for Smartphones H. Liu, Y. Gan, J. Yang, S. Sidhom, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, F. Ye, Proceedings of the ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 2012. (Acceptance rate: 32/212 = 15%) 21 Detecting Driver Phone Use Leveraging Car Speakers J. Yang, S. Sidhom, G. Chandrasekaran, T. Vu, H. Liu, N. Cecan, Y. Chen, M. Gruteser and R. P. Martin Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2011), Las Vegas, Sept. 2011.(Acceptance rate: 29/214 = 13.5%).- Best Paper Award 22. Performing Joint Learning for Passive Intrusion Detection in Pervasive Wireless Environments Jie Yang, Yong Ge, Hui Xiong and Yingying Chen and Hongbo Liu Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2010), San Diego, USA, March, 2010. (Acceptance rate: 276/1575 = 17.5%) 23. Accuracy Characterization of Cell Tower Localization Jie Yang, Alexander Varshavsky, Hongbo Liu, Yingying Chen and Marco Gruteser Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2010), Denmark, 2010. (Acceptance rate: 39/202 = 19.3%) 24. Determining the Number of Attackers and Localizing Multiple Adversaries in Wireless Spoofing Attacks Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Wade Trappe and Jerry Cheng Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2009), Brazil, April 2009. (Acceptance rate: 282/1435 = 19.7%)

专业名称 研究领域/方向 招生类别
081200计算机科学与技术 02机器智能与模式识别,05计算机网络与系统安全,07嵌入式系统 博士学术学位
085400电子信息 01“计算机科学与技术”研究组,03“计算机科学与技术”研究组(非全) 博士专业学位
081200计算机科学与技术 02机器智能与模式识别,05计算机网络与系统安全,07嵌入式系统 硕士学术学位

01  信息与通信工程学院
02  电子科学与工程学院
03  材料与能源学院
04  机械与电气工程学院
05  光电科学与工程学院
06  自动化工程学院
07  资源与环境学院
08  计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)
09  信息与软件工程学院(示范性软件学院)
10  航空航天学院
11  数学科学学院
12  物理学院
13  医学院
14  生命科学与技术学院
15  经济与管理学院
16  公共管理学院
17  外国语学院
18  马克思主义学院
21  基础与前沿研究院
22  通信抗干扰全国重点实验室
23  电子科学技术研究院
28  电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院
31  集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
90  智能计算研究院