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主要从事片上纳米光子学、二维材料光电子学、纳米尺度光场调控研究,在Nature(2篇, Nature Photonics, Nature Review Physics, Chemical Review, Nature Communications, Science Advance, PNAS, Light Science & Applications, PRL, Nano Letters, Nanophotonics, Photonics Research等国际权威学术期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,谷歌学术引用1500余次,H因子20。
详见主 页:https://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/zhangqing12/zh_CN/index.htm;https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=anc8m2IAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
1. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,片上自由电子激发双曲声子极化激元的调控及增强效应研究,主持,在研,2024.01-2027.12;
1. Q. Zhang, G. Hu, W. Ma, P. Li, A. Krasnok, R. Hillenbrand, A. Alù, and C. W. Qiu, “Interface nano-optics with van der Waals polaritons”, Nature 597, 187, (2021). (高被引,Top期刊)
2. Q. Zhang, Q. Ou, G. Si, G. Hu, S. Dong, Y. Chen, J. Ni, C. Zhao, M. S. Fuhrer, Y. Yang, A. Alù, R. Hillenbrand, and C.-W. Qiu, “Unidirectionally excited phonon polaritons in high-symmetry orthorhombic crystals”, Science Advances 8, eabn9774 (2022). (Science子刊,Top期刊)
3. Q. Zhang, J. Ni, and C.W. Qiu, “Vortex 4.0 on-chip”, Light Science & Applications 9, 103, (2020). (Nature子刊,Top期刊)
4. Q. Zhang, Q. Ou, G. Hu, J. Liu, Z. Dai, Q. Bao, and C. W. Qiu “Hybridized hyperbolic surface phonon polaritons at α-MoO3 and polar dielectric interfaces”, Nano Letters 21, 3112, (2021).
5. S. Dong, Q. Zhang* (一作,通讯), G. Cao, J. Ni, T. Shi, S. Li, J. Duan, J. Wang, Y. Li, S. Sun, L. Zhou, G. Hu and C. W. Qiu, “On-chip router for trans-dimensional plasmons”, Nanophotonics, 20200078 (2020).
6. Z. Wu, …, Q. Zhang* (通讯), and Z. Hu*, “Nanophotonic catalytic combustion enlightens mid-infrared light source.” Nano Research 16, 11564 (2023).
7. G. Hu, Q. Ou, G. Si, Y. Wu, J. Wu, Z. Dai, Q. Zhang, Q. Bao, C. W. Qiu, and A. Alù, “Observation of topological polaritons and photonic magic angles in twisted van der Waals bi-layers”, Nature 582, 209 (2020). (高被引,Top期刊)
8. C. yang, W. Du, Qing Zhang, O. ávalos-Ovando, J. Wu, Q. Xu, N. Liu, A. O. Govorov, Q. Xiong, and C.W. Qiu, "Multidimensional nanoscopic chiroptics", Nature Review Physics 4, 113 (2022). (综述)
9. C. Zheng, R. E. Simpson, A. Nemati, Q. Zhang, G. Hu, C. Lee, J. Teng, J. K.W. J. Wu, and C. W. Qiu*"Enabling Active Nanotechnologies by Phase Transition: From Electronics, Photonics to Thermotics." Chemical Reviews 3, 122 (2022) (综述)
10. M. Li, M. Gao, Q. Zhang* (通讯) and Y. Yang*,“Valley-dependent vortex emission from exciton-polariton in non-centrosymmetric transition metal dichalcogenide metasurfaces”, Optics Express 31, 19622 (2023)
11. H. Lv, Y. Bai, Q. Zhang* (通讯) and Y. Yang*, “Flatband polaritonic router in twisted bilayer van der Waals materials”, Optics Letters 31, 19622 (2023)
12. Y. Hu, Yihua Bai, Qing Zhang* (通讯), and Y. Yang*, “Electrically controlled molecular fingerprint retrieval with van der Waals metasurface”, Applied Physics Letters 06059, (2022) .
13. Q. Zhang, S. Dong, G. Cao, and G. Hu, “Exciton polaritons in mixed-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructures”, Optics Letters 45, 14140 (2020).
14. Q. Zhang, D. Jariwala, and X. Cui, “Negative refraction inspired polariton lens in van der Waals lateral heterojunctions,” Applied Physics Letters 14, 221101 (2019).
15. H. Zhang, B. Abhiraman, Q. Zhang, J. Miao, K. Jo, S. Roccasecca, M. W. Knight, A. R. Davoyan and D. Jariwala, “Hybrid exciton-plasmon-polaritons in van der Waals semiconductor gratings”, Nature Commun. 11, 3553 (2020).
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
070200物理学 |
04光学 |
硕士学术学位 |
085400电子信息 |
02光电信息工程,03不区分研究方向(非全) |
硕士专业学位 |