
导师代码: 20511
导师姓名: 张显石
性    别:
特    称:
职    称: 助理研究员
学    位: 工学博士学位
属    性: 专职
电子邮件: zhangxianshi@uestc.edu.cn

学术经历:   2012.09-2017.06, 电子科技大学, 生物医学工程, 博士
2015.11-2016.11, 西北大学, 神经科学, 联合培养博士
2005.09-2008.06, 电子科技大学, 模式识别与智能系统, 硕士
2001.09-2005.07, 电子科技大学, 通信工程, 学士

个人简介:   主要研究方向:视觉认知计算、计算机视觉、类脑智能。

科研项目:   [4] 面向机器感知的开放场景图像自适应增强研究。 四川省面上项目,2024.01-2025.12
[3] 基于认知人工智能的医疗影像分析处理研发。 横向合作, 2024.05-2028.12
[2] 夜间着舰场景视频图像智能增强研究。 横向合作, 2022.11-2023.12
[1] 基于视网膜机制的计算模型及其在复杂图像处理的应用研究。NSFC青年项目,2019.01-2021.12

研究成果:   [19] T Deng, L Jiang, Y Shi, J Wu, Z Wu, S Yan, XS Zhang*, H Yan. Driving visual saliency prediction of dynamic night scenes via a spatio-temporal dual-encoder network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25(3), 2413-2423.
[18] XS ZHANG, J SONG, S SONG, Y LI. Learning generalized visual odometry using position-aware optical flow and geometric bundle adjustment. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. 45(8), 1-10.
[17] YJ Cao, XS Zhang*, FY Luo, P Peng, C Lin, KF Yang, YJ Li. Learning generalized visual odometry using position-aware optical flow and geometric bundle adjustment. Pattern Recognition. 136, 109262.
[16] Y Cao, XS Zhang*, F Luo, C Lin, YJ Li. Unsupervised visual odometry and action integration for pointgoal navigation in indoor environment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 33(10), 6173-6184.
[15] KF Yang, C Cheng, SX Zhao, HM Yan, XS Zhang*, YJ Li. Learning to adapt to light. International Journal of Computer Vision. 131, 1022–1041.
[14] X Wei, XS Zhang, Y Li. Tsn-ca: A two-stage network with channel attention for low-light image enhancement. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. European Neural Network Society, Bristol, UK: 2022.
[13] L Qin, Y Shi, Y He, J Zhang, XS Zhang, Y Li, T Deng, H Yan. ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driver's Fixation Region. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23(9), 5898 - 15908.
[12] X Wei, XS Zhang*, Y Li. SARN: A Lightweight Stacked Attention Residual Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement. International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering. IEEE, Guangzhou, China: 2021.
[11] XS Zhang, YB Yu, KF Yang, YJ Li. A fish retina-inspired single image dehazing method. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 32(4), 1875-1888.
[10] XS Zhang, KF Yang, YJ Li. Haze removal with channel-wise scattering coefficient awareness based on grey pixels. Optics Express 29 (11), 16619-16638.
[9] XS Zhang, K Yang, J Zhou, YJ Li. Retina inspired tone mapping method for high dynamic range images. Optics Express 28 (5), 5953-5964.
[8] KF Yang, XS Zhang, YJ Li. A biological vision inspired framework for image enhancement in poor visibility conditions. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 1493-1506.
[7] SB Gao, M Zhang, Q Zhao, XS Zhang, YJ Li. Underwater image enhancement using adaptive retinal mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (11), 5580-5595.
[6] XS Zhang, YB Yu, KF Yang, YJ Li. A Retina Inspired Model for Image Enhancement in Extreme Environments. PERCEPTION 48, 48-49.
[5] XS Zhang, YJ Li, SH DeVries. Light acts directly on S-cone terminals to regulate transmitter release. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58 (8), 5600-5600.
[4] XS Zhang, YJ Li. A retina inspired model for high dynamic range image rendering. International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. Springer, Beijin, China: 2016, 68-79
[3] H Kuang, XS Zhang, YJ Li, LLH Chan, H Yan. Nighttime vehicle detection based on bio-inspired image enhancement and weighted score-level feature fusion. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (4), 927-936.
[2] XS Zhang, SB Gao, RX Li, XY Du, CY Li, YJ Li. A retinal mechanism inspired color constancy model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (3), 1219-1232.
[1] XS Zhang, SB Gao, CY Li, YJ Li. A retina inspired model for enhancing visibility of hazy images. Frontiers in computational neuroscience 9, 151.

专业名称 研究领域/方向 招生类别
083100生物医学工程 06视觉感知与认知机理,07计算神经科学与类脑智能 硕士学术学位
085409生物医学工程 01不区分研究方向,02不区分研究方向(非全) 硕士专业学位

01  信息与通信工程学院
02  电子科学与工程学院
03  材料与能源学院
04  机械与电气工程学院
05  光电科学与工程学院
06  自动化工程学院
07  资源与环境学院
08  计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)
09  信息与软件工程学院(示范性软件学院)
10  航空航天学院
11  数学科学学院
12  物理学院
13  医学院
14  生命科学与技术学院
15  经济与管理学院
16  公共管理学院
17  外国语学院
18  马克思主义学院
21  基础与前沿研究院
22  通信抗干扰全国重点实验室
23  电子科学技术研究院
28  电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院
31  集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
90  智能计算研究院