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教育及工作经历:2020.08-至今,电子科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,特聘副研究员;2013.09~2020.06,电子科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,生物医学工程,工学博士学位;2018.11~2019.11,芬兰赫尔辛基大学,心理学,交流访学(导师 Kimmo Alho教授);2009.09~2013.06,重庆邮电大学,生物信息学院,生物医学工程,工学学士学位。
专注个体差异性的EEG-MRI网络分析及其在脑机交互、认知领域的应用。基于多状态-多模态信号互补融合,1)对P300、MI等信息加工及节律网络重构进行了研究,发现个体差异与其网络及状态转换效率关系密切,为理解个体差异提供了新的神经生理证据(Li et al., Neuroimage, 2020; Li et al., IEEE TCDS, 2020);2)利用EEG毫秒时变性质,构建了脑活动的时变脑网络,发现信息的处理离不开网络高效、动态的转换(Li et al., IJNS, 2019; Li et al., IEEE TNSRE, 2016);3)基于网络空间拓扑结构,发展了提取网络拓扑信息的方法,对个体的单次决策进行了精准预测(Si#, Li# et al., Neuroimage, 2020),也实现了精神分裂症等精确诊断(Li et al., IEEE TNSRE, 2019)。已在Neuroimage、Cerebral Cortex、IEEE TBME、IEEE TNSRE、Neural Networks、JNE等发表SCI论文50余篇,ESI高被引2篇。其中,一作(含共一)论文15篇。截止2021年3月,Google scholar 800余次,H-index 16。本人也参与优秀青年基金、国际合作等项目,并开发了相应的脑电网络分析软件,被浙江大学、哈佛医学院等国内外多家单位用于数据分析工作。目前,担任IEEETNSRE等期刊审稿人,Frontiers in Neurorobotics编委。
部分期刊如下:[1].Fali Li, Wenjing Peng, et al. The Dynamic Brain Networks of Motor Imagery: Time-Varying Causality Analysis of Scalp EEG[J]. Int J Neural Syst, 2019, 29(1): 1850016. ESI 高被引;[2].Fali Li, Qin Tao, et al. Inter-subject P300 variability relates to the efficiency of brain networks reconfigured from resting- to task-state: Evidence from a simultaneous event-related EEG-fMRI study. NeuroImage, 2020, 205: 116285;[3].Fali Li, Bei Chen, et al. The time-varying networks in P300: a task-evoked EEG study[J]. IEEE Trans Neur Sys Reh Eng, 2016, 24(7): 725-733;[4].Fali Li#, Jiuju Wang#, et al. Differentiation of Schizophrenia by Combining the Spatial EEG Brain Network Patterns of Rest and Task P300[J]. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2019, 27(4): 594-602;[5].Fali Li, Chanlin Yi, et al. Reconfiguration of Brain Network between Resting-state and P300 task[J]. IEEE Trans Cogn Dev Syst, 2020; [6]. Fali Li, Chanlin Yi, et al. The construction of large-scale cortical networks for P300 from scalp EEG[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 68498-68506;[7]. Fali Li#, Yi Liang#, et al. Transition of brain networks from an interictal to a preictal state preceding a seizure revealed by scalp EEG network analysis[J]. Cogn Neurodyn, 2019, 13(2): 175-181;[8].Fali Li, Chanlin Yi, et al. Brain Network Reconfiguration During Motor Imagery Revealed by a Large-Scale Network Analysis of Scalp EEG[J]. Brain Topogr, 2019, 32(2): 304-314;[9].Fali Li, Chanlin Yi, et al. Different contexts in the oddball paradigm induce distinct brain networks in generating the P300[J]. Front Hum Neurosci, 2018, 12: 520.
[10]. Fali Li, Jiuju Wang, et al. Top-Down Disconnectivity in Schizophrenia During P300 Tasks[J]. Front Comput Neurosci, 2018, 12: 33;[11]. Fali Li, Yin Tian, et al. The enhanced information flow from visual cortex to frontal area facilitates SSVEP response: evidence from model-driven and data-driven causality analysis[J]. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 14765;[12].Fali Li, Tiejun Liu, et al. Relationships between the resting-state network and the P3: Evidence from a scalp EEG study[J]. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 15129;[13].Tiejun Liu#, Fali Li#, et al. Cortical Dynamic Causality Network for Auditory-Motor Tasks[J]. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2017, 25(8): 1092-1099;[14]. Yajing Si#, Fali Li#, et al. Predicting individual decision-making responses based on single-trial EEG. NeuroImage, 2020;[15].Min Wu#, Fali Li#, et al. Impaired Frontoparietal Connectivity in Traumatic Individuals with Disorders of Consciousness: A Dynamic Brain Network Analysis[J]. Aging Dis, 2020, 11(2);[16].Li Dong*, Fali Li, et al. MATLAB toolboxes for reference electrode standardization technique (REST) of scalp EEG[J]. Front Neurosci, 2017, 11: 601.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
083100生物医学工程 |
01脑电与脑-机接口技术,02医学成像与图像处理技术,03生物医学信号与信息处理 |
硕士学术学位 |
085409生物医学工程 |
01不区分研究方向,02不区分研究方向(非全) |
硕士专业学位 |