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女 |
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1999/09 – 2003/06,四川外国语大学,国际交流学院,学士
2007/09 – 2008/10,英国中央兰开夏大学,人文与语言学院,硕士
2013/06 – 2018/05,新西兰奥克兰大学,教育学院,博士
2018/05 – 2019/12,新西兰奥克兰大学,教育学院,博士后
本人的主要研究领域为应用语言学(语言教育),研究方向为学术英语写作(尤其是硕士及博士研究生阶段),包括教师书面反馈、学术论文国际发表、学术写作中学术身份构建、跨文化背景下的写作教学和语篇分析等。目前主要应用的理论有巴赫金的对话理论和维果茨基的社会文化理论等。研究方法涉及定性和定量研究,一般采用混合研究方法。担任SSCI期刊 Innovations in Education and Teaching International 联合主编;SSCI期刊Teaching in Higher Education 编委会成员及SSCI国际期刊审稿。
2021.11-2024.7 主持国家社会科学基金项目“学术英语写作多元互动反馈体系构建、应用及效果追踪研究”
2020.4-2022.5 主持中央高校基本科研项目“社会构建理论视域下的博士生国际发表能力动态发展研究”
2021-2023 参与四川省高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目“项目式外语课程教学设计改革探索与实践”(排名2)
2022.3-2024.2 参与教育部考试中心项目“Applying CSE in Scenario-based classroom teaching and learning”(排名3)
2017.9-2020.8 参与国际研究项目“博士学术论文发表的压力和策略”(美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国、爱尔兰)。(排名2)
1 Xu, L. (2022). Chinese international doctoral students’ perceptions of publishing: a time–space perspective. Teaching in Higher Education. (SSCI 2区)
2 Barrow, M. & Xu, L. (2022). Constituting ethical academics in teacher education: Navigating multiple and conflicting discourses. Teaching and Teacher Education. (SSCI 1区)
3 Barrow, M. & Xu, L. (2021). Academic identity formation: the influence of space. Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. (SSCI 2区)
4 Barrow, M. & Xu, L. (2021). Making their way as academics: A qualitative study examining how nurse academics understand and (re)construct academic identity. Nurse education today. (SSCI 1区)
5 Barrow, M., Grant, B. & Xu, L. (2021). Academic identities research: mapping the field’s theoretical frameworks. Higher Education Research & Development. (SSCI 1区)
6 Xu, L. & Grant, B. (2020). Moving between fantasies, fallacies and realities: students’ perceptions of supervisors’ roles in doctoral publishing. Teaching in Higher Education. (SSCI 2区)
7 Xu, L. (2020). Doctoral publishing and academic identity work: two cases. Higher Education Research & Development. (SSCI 2区)
8 Xu, L., Teng, L.,& Cai, T. (2020). Feedback engagement of Chinese international doctoral students. Studies in Continuing Education. (SSCI 3区)
9 Xu, L., & Hu, J. (2019). Language feedback responses, voices and identity (re) construction: Experiences of Chinese international doctoral students. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. (SSCI 3区)
10 Xu, L., & Zhang, L. (2019). The epistemological transition and evolvement of Chinese international doctoral students’ voice in thesis writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI 1区)
11 Xu, L., & Grant, B. (2018). The graduate school mess: What caused it and how we can fix it. Higher Education Research and Development. (SSCI 1区) 排名1/2
12 Teng, L., Sun, P. J., & Xu, L. (2018). Conceptualizing writing self-efficacy in English as a foreign language contexts: Scale validation through structural equation modeling. TESOL Quarterly (SSCI 1区)
13 Xu, L. (2017). Written feedback in intercultural doctoral supervision: A case study. Teaching in Higher Education. (SSCI 3区)
14 Xu, L., & Grant, B. (2017). International doctoral students’ becoming: A dialogic perspective. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. (SSCI 3区)
15 Grant, B., & Xu, L. (2017). Framing feedback expectations: A ‘pedagogy of explicitness’. In Carter, S. & Laurs, D. (Eds.), Giving feedback on research writing: A handbook for supervisors and advisor. Oxford: Routledge. 排名2/2
16 徐林林、滕林(2019)基于社会文化理论的教师书面差距反馈个案研究。外语学刊。
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
050200外国语言文学 |
01外国语言文学(英语语种),04外国语言学及应用语言学 |
硕士学术学位 |
055100翻译 |
01笔译 |
硕士专业学位 |