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Ph.D. in Translation Studies, Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
M.Phil. in Translation Studies, Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
M.A. in Translation, Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
1. 国家社科基金中华学术外译项目《中国扶贫》英译,主持,2022-2024;
2. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目:人机协同的口笔译语言服务课程体系研究,主持,2021-2023;
3. 四川省高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目:VR与AI赋能的学生翻译能力监测,主持:2022-2023;
4. 中央高校基本业务费:语境独立信息对学生译员认知资源分配的影响(ZYGX2019J140),主持,2019-2020,已结题;
5. 中央高校基本业务费:翻译的神经认知过程(ZYGX2016KYQD144),主持,2017-2018,已结题;
6. 四川省社会科学年度项目:英汉同声传译的认知机制及教学研究(SC17WY014),主持,2017-2018,结项良好;
7. 校级教改项目4项:研究生精品课程《同声传译》、基于项目的研究生培养项目《同声传译》、本科挑战性课程《面向国际会议的口笔译服务》、课程思政项目《科技口译》
专著:[1]《语料库辅助的翻译外族化与本土化研究》. 成都:四川大学出版社. 2017.(19.5万字)。
[2]《语料库翻译学理论与实践》. 成都:四川大学出版社. 2022 (20.1万字).
[1] 周晶、楚军(2024). 译介传播当代中国研究的跨学科学术话语体系探索. 上海翻译.(3).
[2] Chou, I., & Liu, K. (2024). Style in speech and narration of two English translations of Hongloumeng: A corpus-based multidimensional study. Target.
[3]周晶、向张玉洁、刘康龙. (2023).我国外语专业智慧教育研究现状及AIGC时代的发展前瞻.外语电化教学.(3).
[4] Chou, I., Li, W., & Liu, K. (2023). Representation of interactional metadiscourse in translated and native English: A corpus-assisted study. Plos one, 18(7), e0284849.
[5] 周晶, 楚军. (2022). 翻译人才口译能力培养的数智化监测机制研究. 外语教学, 43(6).
[6] 周晶,谢婷. (2022). 外语类课程思政研究:基于《科技口译》课程的改革创新. 电子科技大学学报. (6).
[7] Chou, I., Hu, J., Mu?oz, E., & García, A. M. (2021). Discourse-Level Information Recall in Early and Late Bilinguals: Evidence From Single-Language and Cross-Linguistic Tasks. Frontiers in psychology, 4821.
[8] Chou, I., Liu, K., & Zhao, N. (2021). Effects of directionality on interpreting performance: Evidence from interpreting between Chinese and English by trainee interpreters. Frontiers in psychology, 5275.
[9] 周晶. (2021). 学生译员英汉交替传译中的欧化现象及其认知成因:基于语料库的研究. 西安外国语大学学报, 29(4).
[10] Chou, I., Zhang, C., & Yu, Y. (2020). The Design and Implementation of a Virtual Reality Program for Improving Situated Consecutive Interpreting Skills. In Learning Technologies and Systems (pp. 401-410). Springer, Cham.
[11] 张轶骏 & 周晶. (2021). Vr与ai赋能的沉浸式情境口译教学模式研究. 外语电化教学(1), 8.
[12] Chou, I. (2019). The Undertranslation and self-censorship in English-Chinese subtitling. T&I Review, 9: 29-52.
[13] Chou, I. (2017). Dubbing from English into Chinese: A case study on translation of spoken language. T&I Review, 7: 53-74. 2017.
[14] Chou, I. & Yuanjian He. (2016). Family resemblance in translation: a legacy revisited. Perspectives 24(2), 278-293. 2016. A&HCI.
[15] Chou, I. & Yuanjian He. (2016). Translational ethics from a cognitive perspective: a corpus-assisted study on multiple English-Chinese translations. Teresa Seruya and Jose Miranda Justo (Eds.), Reading Friedrich Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture (pp.159-174). London: Springer.
[1] Context-independent texts as cognitive barriers: A Corpus-based Study in Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpreting, paper presented at American Translation & Interpreting Studies Association Conference IX: Contexts of Translation and Interpreting, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, March 29-April 1, 2018.
[2] Bypassing Conceptual Barriers in Simultaneous Interpreting: A corpus-assisted Case Study. Translation [and Interpreting] in Transition 3. University of Ghent, 13-14 July 2017
[3] From “otherness” to “presentness”: Ethical dilemma in Chinese translation of Chinese American literary works. American Comparative Literature Annual Meeting. Utrecht University, July 6-9, 2017.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
050200外国语言文学 |
01外国语言文学(英语语种),04外国语言学及应用语言学,07翻译学,08比较文学与跨文化研究 |
硕士学术学位 |
055100翻译 |
01笔译,02口译 |
硕士专业学位 |