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2014.12-2019.12 电子科技大学 博士后在站.
2010.09-2014.06 电子科技大学 计算机学院 工学博士.
2011-2013 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 电子工程系 Kang L. Wang教授 联合培养、访问学习.
2009-2010 电子科技大学 计算机学院杨国武教授 RA.
2018.01-2021.12,国家重点研发计划 2018YFA0306703,“量子程序设计理论、方法与工具”项目课题3“量子机器学习与量子模拟”,课题主研参与;
2013.05-2016.12 四川省科技支撑计划,智能家居关键技术与系统研发及应用-基于ITU技术标准H.265HEVC的视音频解码算法及实现,项目编号:2013GZ0151,第二负责人;
2013.01-2014.06 国家自然科学基金,可逆逻辑电路的分类和多值量子逻辑电路的综合,批准号:61272175”,学生参与者;
2011.10-2014.05 “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”优博培养计划,ZYGX2011YB022,主持;
2010.06-2012.09 2009博士点基金博导类“量子逻辑电路综合的一致性问题与优化算法,20090185,110006”,学生参与者;
2009.08-2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“量子计算中可逆逻辑电路的合成,60773205,F020503”,寻找量子计算中关于纠缠的研究方向以及矩阵分解的研究,学生参与者;
2007.07-2008.09 四川省青年软件创新项目“基于大气散射模型的图形渲染框架”,主持。
李晓瑜*, 胡勇, 卢俊邑,等. 基于量子条件主方程的隐马尔可夫模型[J]. 电子科技大学学报, 2021, 50(5):6.
丁尹, 桑楠, 李晓瑜*,等. 基于循环神经网络的电信行业容量数据预测方法[J]. 计算机应用, 2021, 41(8):6.
Cao, Z., Yang, G., Li, X*.et al. "Multitask Classification Method Based on Label Correction for Breast Tumor Ultrasound Images." Neural Processing Letters (2021):1-16.
Peng, Y., Li, X*. et al. "Verification mechanism to obtain an elaborate answer span in machine reading comprehension." Neurocomputing 466 (2021): 80-91.
彭宇, 李晓瑜*, 胡世杰,等. 基于BERT的三阶段式问答模型[J]. 计算机应用, 2021
Peng, Y., Li, X*. et al. "A Light-Weight Prediction Model for Aero-Engine Surge Based on Seq2Seq." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security. Springer, Cham, 2021.
Hu, S., Li, X., Deng Y*. et al. "A Semantic Supervision Method for Abstractive Summarization." Computers, Materials and Continua 69.1(2021):145-158.
陆超, 李晓瑜*,等.面向航空发动机多传感器并行预测模型的设计与实现[J]. 电子科技大学学报 2021, 580-585.
Deng, Y., Lei, H., Li, X*. et al. "Attention Capsule Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification." KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems 15.4 (2021).
邓钰, 李晓瑜*,等. 用于短文本情感分类的多头注意力记忆网络[J]. 计算机应用 41.11(2021):3132-3138.
吴锋, 高丽敏*, 杨彩琼, 冷林涛, 李晓瑜,等. 虚拟试验中基于匹配特性融合的内容网络匹配算法[J]. 电子科技大学学报 50.05(2021):761-767.
罗庆斌, 李晓瑜*, 杨国武. SM4密码算法S盒的量子电路实现[J]. 电子科技大学学报 50.06(2021):820-826.
Li, Q., Zhao, Z., Wu, H*., Li, X*., et al. "Dynamic Target Detection and Tracking Based on Quantum Illumination LIDAR." Journal of Quantum Computing 3.1 (2021): 35.
Martey, E. M., Lei, H., X Li*, & Appiah, O. "Image Representation Using Stacked Colour Histogram." Algorithms 14.8(2021):228.
Samuel K. Akpatsa*, Xiaoyu Li. “Comprehensive Survey on Hybrid Deep Learning Models for Text Classification, Open Issues, and Future Perspectives.” Future Internet 7.5(2020):1-21.
Huang Y*, Lei H, Li X*, et al. Quantum Maximum Mean Discrepancy GAN[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 454(5).
X. Li, Y. Huang, Q. Zhu, X. Liu and D. Zheng, "The controllability of quantum correlation under geometry and entropy discords," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 66, no.3, pp. 3107–3120, 2021.
X. Li, Q. Zhu, Y. Huang, Y. Hu, Q. Meng et al., “Research on the freezing phenomenon of quantum correlation by machine learning,” Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 2143–2151, 2020.
Y. Huang, H. Lei, X. Li, Q. Zhu and W. Ren, “Quantum generative model with variable-depth circuit,” Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 445–458, 2020.
Xiao-Yu Li, Qin-Sheng Zhu, Ming-Zheng Zhu, Hao Wu, Shao-Yi Wu and Min-Chuan Zhu. The freezing Rènyi quantum discord[J]. Scientific Reports, (2019) 9:14739 |
Xiao-yu Li, Qin-sheng Zhu, Ming-zheng Zhu, Yi-ming Huang, Hao Wu and Shao-yi Wu. Machine learning study of the relationship between the geometric and entropy discord[J]. Euro Physics Letters, 127(2019)20009, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/127/20009
Xiaoyu Li, Qinsheng Zhu, Qingyu Meng, Caishu You, Mingzheng Zhu,Yong Hu,Yiming Huang, Hao Wu and Desheng Zheng. Researching the link between the geometric and Rènyi discord for special canonical initial states based on neural network method[J]. Computers, Materials & Continua, vol60, no.3, pp.1087-1095, 2019
郑德生, 李晓瑜, 蔡竟业. 基于DS的电子战多信息PCA融合方案[J]. 电子科技大学学报, 2019, 48(03):91-96.
Desheng Z , Xiaoyu L , Guowu Y , et al. An assertion graph based abstraction algorithm in GSTE and Its application[J]. Integration, the VLSI Journal, 2018: S0167926017307757-.
Yu Deng,Hang Lei,Xiaoyu Li,Yiou Lin. An improved deep neural network model for job matching. 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2018).
Xin He, Weizhong Qian, Xiaoyu Li, Yi Feng, An Analysis of Students' Subsidy Based on Periodic Consumption Characteristics,2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2018).
徐冰珂, 周宇喆, 杨茂林, 谢远航, 李晓瑜, 雷航. 面向电信行业网络告警系统的告警过滤算法[J]. 计算机应用, 2018, 38(10), 2881-2885.
Huang Y M, Lei H, Xiao-Yu LI. A Survey on Quantum Machine Learning[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2018.
Yiming Huang, Xiaoyu Li, Quantum Laplacian Eigenmap[C], Quantum Information Processing 2017.
李晓瑜,俞丽颖,雷航等. 一种K-means改进算法的并行化实现与应用[J]. 《电子科技大学学报(自科版)》, 2017.01,
Zhao Chao, Yang Guo-wu, Li Xiao-yu. Separability Criterion for Arbitrary Multipartite Pure State Based on the Rank of Reduced Density Matrix[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2016,55, (9):3816-3826.
Qing-bin Luo, Guo-wu Yang, Kun She, Xiaoyu Li. Quantum Private Comparison Protocol with Linear Optics[J]. Int J Theor Phys, 2016,55:5336–5343,
Qing-bin Luo, Guo-wu Yang, Kun She, Xiaoyu Li. Quantum homomorphic signature based on Bell-state measurement [J]. Quantum Information Process, 2016, 15:5051-5061.
Han Hu, Xiaoyu Li, Wenyi Wu, and Zhaoyi Liu, A compatible model of unstructured data for cross-media retrieval in the field of tourism [C], The 17th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning , 2016.07.
Q.B.Luo, G.W.Yang, K.She, X.Y. Li, Y.Q. Wang. Quantum homomorphic signature using coherent states [C]. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) | Chengdu, China Oct. 14-17, 2016.
KINGSLEY N. ACHEAMPONG, ZHEN-HAO PAN, ER-QIANG ZHOU, XIAO-YU LI. Answer Triggering of Factoid Questions: a Cognitive Approach [C]. The 13th international Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing, 2016.12.
杨博凯,李晓瑜,黄一鸣,雷航.基于遗传算法的高考志愿填报排序问题的研究[J], 计算机科学, 2016,43(s1).
王天顺, 李晓瑜, 蔡洪斌. 含障碍物环境的移动传感器网络优化部署算法[J]. 计算机应用研究. 2016, (08):2490-2495.
Zhiping Xie, Xiaoyu Li, Wenyi Wu, and Xiaoling Zhang. An Improved Outlier Detection Algorithm to Medical Insurance [C], The 17th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning , 2016.07.
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Desheng Zheng, An efficient algorithm for computing fixed length attractors based on bounded model checking in synchronous Boolean networks with biochemical applications[J]. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015;14(2):4238-44.
Baolin Cheng, Xiaoyu Li, Hang Wang. Real-time True-color Synthesis of Remote Sensing Image with CUDA[C],The Third International Conference on Advanced Cloudand Big Data (CBD 2015),2015.10.30.
Zhao C, Yang G W, Hung W N N, Li Xiaoyu. A multipartite entanglement measure based on coefficient matrices[J]. Quantum Information Processing, 2015:1-21.
郭文生, 杨国武, 李晓瑜,等. 基于满足性判定的布尔网络环求解算法[J]. 电子科技大学学报, 2015.
Zhao C, Yang G W, Li Xiaoyu. A New Multipartite Entanglement Measure for Arbitrary n-qudit Pure States[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2015:1-11.
Lin Yo,Lei H, Wu J, Li Xiaoyu,An Empirical Study on Sentiment Classification of Chinese Review Using Word Embedding[C],The 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation,2015.10.20.
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Carlos Manuel Torres Jr., et al. Quantum Circuit Synthesis with Quantum Increment gate[C]. The 2014 International Conference on Communication Technology and Application, Beijing, China, 2014.
Chao Zhao, Guowu Yang, Fuyou Fan, Xiaoyu Li. Hierarchical Entanglement Measure for N-Qubit[C], the 6th International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2014), Nanchong, Sichuan, 2014.
Luo Qingbin, She Kun, Yang Guowu, Li Xiaoyu, Quantum Anonymous Ranking with d-level Single-Particle States[J],International Journal of Software and Informatics,2014.
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Carlos Manuel Torres Jr., et al. A class of efficient quantum increment gates for quantum circuit synthesis[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2013, 28(1):208-220.
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Desheng Zheng. Implementation and optimization of a fast inter predication algorithm[J]. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2013, 11(12).
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Desheng Zheng. Logic synthesis of ternary quantum circuits with minimal qutrits[J]. Journal of Computers, Vol.8, No.8, 2013.
Desheng Zheng, Guowu Yang, Xiaoyu Li, Zhicai Wang, William N.N. Hung, An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Attractors in Synchronous Boolean Networks with Biochemical Application, Genetics and Molecular Research[J], 12(4):4656-4666,2013.
Zheng Desheng, Yang Guowu, Li Xiaoyu, et al. An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Attractors of Synchronous and Asynchronous Boolean Networks. PloS one[J]; 2013;8(4):e60593.
Desheng Zheng, Guowu Yang, Xiaoyu Li and Zhicai Wang, An Algorithm to Find Cycles of Biochemical Systems[C], 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBIT 2013), p14-18, 2013.
Desheng Zheng, Guowu Yang, Xiaoyu Li, Zhicai Wang and Yang Wang, NAND Flash Software Simulator Based-on State Transition Models[J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.8, No.21, 8891-8899, 2012.
Xiaoyu Li, Guowu Yang, Desheng Zheng. Synthesis of ternary non-reversible logic circuits[C]. The WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2010-CCIB, Barcelona, Spain, 4239-4242.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
083500软件工程 |
04数字信息处理,05工业软件,06智能计算 |
硕士学术学位 |
085405软件工程 |
04数字信息处理,05工业软件,06智能计算 |
硕士专业学位 |