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● 算法博弈论(Algorithmic Game Thoery);
● 拍卖、匹配、广告等资源分配机制设计算法(Mechanism Design Theory);
● 多智能体系统(Multi-agent Systems);
● 社会与经济网络(Scoial and Economic Networks);
● 推理与学习(Reasoning and Learning);
教育经历: 2010-2013, Kyushu University信息学专业,工学博士;
2007-2010, 电子科技大学 计算机软件与理论专业,工学硕士;
2003-2007, 电子科技大学 计算机科学与技术专业, 工学学士
工作经历:2012/7-2013/7, Kyushu University信息学专业,Research Assistant;
2013/8-2015/8, 电子科技大学 计算机学院, 讲师;
2015/9至今, 电子科技大学 计算机学院, 副教授;
2023届招收有兴趣从事算法博弈论、机制设计、推理算法的研究生。欢迎健康向上、思维活跃、热爱思索、英语良好的学生报考。 也欢迎对科学有浓厚兴趣,计划读研的本科生加入团队学习。 请发送邮件至haodongpost[at]gmail.com。
研究兴趣为:理解人的学习、决策与交互的行为原理;并设计算法使计算机能像人一样进行学习、决策和交互。研究领域处于人工智能与经济学的交叉环节,包括(1)算法博弈论;(2)机制设计理论、拍卖与市场设计;(3)社会与经济网络;(4)多智能体推理与规划。博士阶段师从亚洲首位AAAI Fellow,Makoto Yokoo教授。出版译著《算法博弈论二十讲》。在Artificial Intelligence Journal、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking等期刊,以及AAAI、IJCAI、AAMAS等会议发表40余篇论文。担任中国计算机学会计算经济学专业组执委、中国运筹学会博弈论分会理事。担任AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, AAMAS等人工智能会议的(高级)程序委员会委员,担任Artificial Intelligence Journal、Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems、World Wide Web Journal、Games以及多个IEEE Transactions期刊的审稿人。讲授课程:硕士生/博士生课程电子科技大学研究生精品课程《算法博弈论》;本科生挑战性课程《高级离散数学》;英才学院新生项目课程《机器学习初阶实战》。获电子科技大学校级个人荣誉“成电研究生教学优秀奖”;获校级优秀班主任称号;获研究生精品课程建设及配套教材建设项目支持;出版译著教材《算法博弈论二十讲》;本科生课程《离散数学(双语)》连续7年学生评教优秀;建设新生项目课程《探寻信息奥秘:机器学习初阶实战》。
研究详情请参考:Google Scholar主页
● 《算法博弈论二十讲》(译著) . 机械工业出版社&华章图书
● Social Sourcing: Incorporating Social Networks Into Crowdsourcing Contest Design. With Qi Shi. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. ISSN: 1063-6692. Corresponding author. CCF-A期刊
● Diffusion Auction Design. Artificial Intelligence, 103631. 2021. With Bin Li, Dengji Zhao and Hui Gao. Corresponding author. CCF-A期刊
● Emerging Methods of Auction Design in Social Networks. In the Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2021). with Yuhang Guo. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Entropy Regularized Actor-Critic based Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Games. Information Sciences. with Dongcheng Zhang, Qi Shi, Kai Li. Corresponding author. 一区期刊
● Incentive-Compatible Diffusion Auctions. Proceeding of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2020). with Bin Li and Dengji Zhao. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Diffusion and Auction on Graphs. In the Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2019). with Bin Li, Dengji Zhao and Makoto Yokoo. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Cooperation Enforcement and Collusion Resistance in Repeated Public Goods Games. In the Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2019) . with Kai Li. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Customer Sharing in Economic Networks with Costs. In the Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2018). with Bin Li, Dengji Zhao and Tao Zhou. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Payoff Control in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. In the Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2018). with Kai Li and Tao Zhou. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Selling Multiple Items via Social Networks. In the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. (AAMAS-2018). with Dengji Zhao, Bin Li, Junping Xu and Nick Jennings. CCF-B会议
● Link prediction via Linear Optimization. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2018. with Pech Ratha, Yan-Li Lee, Ye Yuan, and Tao Zhou.
● Enhancing Subspace Clustering Based on Dynamic Prediction. Frontiers of Computer Science. 2018. with Pech Ratha, Hong Cheng and Tao Zhou. CCF-B期刊
● Mechanism Design in Social Networks. In the Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2017). with Bin Li, Dengji Zhao and Tao Zhou. Corresponding author. CCF-A会议
● Link Prediction via Matrix Completion. EPL (Europhysics Letters). 2017. with Pech Ratha, Liming Pan, Hong Cheng and Tao Zhou. Corresponding author.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
081200计算机科学与技术 |
02机器智能与模式识别 |
硕士学术学位 |