1. Z. Deng, J. Zhou, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A 22.9-38.2-GHz dual-path noise-canceling LNA with 2.65-4.62-dB NF in 28-nm CMOS,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 3348–3359, Nov. 2021.
2. B. Yang, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A watt-level quadraqure switched/floated-capacitor power amplifer with back-off efficiency enhancement in complex domain using reconfigurable self-coupling cancelling transformer,” in IEEE ISSCC, San Franscisco, CA, Feb. 2021.
3. Y. Shu, H. Qian, X. Gao, and X. Luo, “A 3.09-to-4.04GHz distributed-boosting and harmonic-impedance-expanding multi-core oscillator with -138.9dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset and 195.1dBc/Hz FoM,” in IEEE ISSCC, San Franscisco, CA, Feb. 2021.
4. Y. Shu, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A 2-D mode-switching quad-core oscillator using E-M mixed-coupling resonance boosting,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1711–1721, Jun. 2021.
5. H. Qian, B. Yang, J. Zhou, H. Xu, and X. Luo, “A quadrature digital power amplifier with hybrid Doherty and impedance boosting for complex domain power back-off efficiency enhancement,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1487–1501, May 2021.
6. H. Qian, Y. Shu, J. Zhou, and X. Luo, “A 20-32GHz quadrature digital transmitter using synthesized impedance variation compensation,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1297–1309, May 2020.
7. Y. Shu, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A 18.6-to-40.1GHz 201.7dBc/Hz FoMT multi-core oscillator using E-M mixed-coupling resonance boosting,” in IEEE ISSCC, San Franscisco, CA, Feb. 2020.
8. D. Tang, C. Han, Z. Deng, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A compact bandpass filter with wide stopband and low radiation loss,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Sym. Dig., Los Angeles, CA, USA, Jun. 2020.
9. Y. Shu, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “A 169.6 GHz low phase noise and wideband hybrid mode-switching push-push oscillator,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 2769–2781, Jul. 2019.
10. Z. Deng, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “Tunable quasi-circulator based on a compact fully-reconfigurable 180° hybrid for full-duplex transceivers,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 2949–2962, Aug. 2019.
1. Capacitor unit, integrated capacitor, and resonance unit, US10998873B2, 2021
2. Filtering unit and filter, EP3346543B1, 2020
3. Polar phased-array transmitter and mobile terminal, US10411943B2, 2019
4. Polar transmitter with tunable matching network, US10257015B2, 2019
5. Dual-mode oscillator and multi-phase oscillator, US10498289B2, 2019
6. Resonant unit and filter, US10276904B2, 2019
7. Phase shifter and feed network including a microstrip/coplanar waveguide coupling structure having vertical projections, US10461390B2, 2019
8. Polar transmitter with tunable matching network, EP3182664B1, 2019
9. Digital phase shifter, US10128817B2, 2018
10. Transmitter, receiver, and method for receiving and transmitting a radio frequency signal, US9264279B2, 2016
1. 2021 IEEE SSC-Society Predoctoral Achievement Award
2. 2021 IEEE MTT-Society Graduate Fellowship Award
3. 2021 IEEE MTT-Society Undergraduate Scholarship Award
4. 2021 IEEE MTT-Society Undergraduate Scholarship Award (Another One)
5. IEEE RFIC2021 Best Student Paper Award
6. IEEE IMS2021 Advanced Practice Paper Award Finalist
7. IEEE RFIT2021 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
8. 2020年度中国电子学会集成电路奖学金(特等奖)
9. 2020 IEEE MTT-Society Graduate Fellowship Award
10. 2020 IEEE MTT-Society Undergraduate Scholarship Award
11. IEEE IMS2020 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
12. IEEE IMS2020 Advanced Practice Paper Award Finalist
13. IEEE IWS2020 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
14. IEEE IMS2019 Best Student Paper Award Finalist (Another One)
15. IEEE IMS2019 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
16. IEEE IMS2019 Sixty-Second Presentation Competition Award
17. IEEE IMS2019 Best Student Design Competition Award (Another One)
18. IEEE IMS2019 Best Student Design Competition Award
19. IEEE RFIT2019 Best Student Paper Award
20. 2018 IEEE MTT-Society Graduate Fellowship Award
21. IEEE IMS2018 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
22. IEEE IMS2018 Best Student Design Competition Award
23. IEEE IWS2018 Best Student Paper Award
24. 2017 IEEE MTT-Society Undergraduate Scholarship Award
25. IEEE IMS2017 Best Student Design Competition Award
26. IEEE RFIT2016 Best Student Paper Award
27. IEEE RFIT2016 Best Student Design Competition Award
28. IEEE NEMO2016 Best Student Paper Award Finalist
29. IEEE IWS2015 Best Student Paper Award