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1.第一作者身份在国际群为期刊Journey of Applied intelligence(影响因子:1.835)、international journey of applied mathematics and computer science(影响因子:1.390)、IET intelligent transport systems (影响因子:0.954)以及高水平国际会议IEEE international conference on intelligent transportation systems 上发表学术论文共计8篇(其中SCI检索3篇,EI(光)检索7篇,CPCI-S收录1篇)。
1. J. Wu*, F. Perronnet, and A. Abbas-Turki, "Cooperative Vehicle-Actuator System: A Sequence-based Framework of Cooperative Intersections Management," IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol.8, Issue 4, pp. 352-360, 2014.
2. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and F. Perronnet, "Cooperative driving at isolated intersections based on the optimal minimization of the maximum exit time," International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 773-785, 2013.
3. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Cooperative Driving: An Ant Colony System for Autonomous Intersection Management," Journal of Applied Intelligence, vol.37, no.2, pp 207-222, 2012.
4. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Régulation du trafic aux intersections: Prise en compte des véhicules prioritaires," Revue e-STA, France, vol. 6, 2009.
5. M. Ahmane*, A. Abbas-Turki, P. Florent, J. Wu, A. E. Moudni, J. Buisson, et al., "Modeling and controlling an isolated urban intersection based on cooperative vehicles," Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol.28, pp 44-62, 2013.
6. J. Wu*, F. Yan, and P. Kuang, “Distributed Urban Traffic Signal Control Based on Spontaneous Synchronization," presented at the 2014 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC), Oct 8-11, pp. 2202 - 220, Qingdao, China, 2014.
7. J. Wu*, F. Yan, and A. Abbas-Turki, "Mathematical proof of effectiveness of platoon-based traffic control at intersections," presented at the 2013 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC), Oct 6-9, pp 720-725, Hague, Netherlands, 2013.
8. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Contextualized Traffic Controlling At Isolated Urban Intersection," presented at the The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2010.
9. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Discrete Methods for Urban Intersection Traffic Controlling," presented at the IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC Spring 2009. April 26-29, pp 1-5, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
10. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Intersection traffic control by a novel scheduling model," presented at the IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, SOLI '09, July 22-24, pp 329-334, Chicago, IL, USA, 2009.
11. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, C. Aurélien, and A. EL Moudni, “Controlling a discrete model of two cascading intersections”, Workshop International: Logistique et Transport 2007, Nov 18-20, Sousse, Tunisie, pp. 215-220, 2007
12. J. Wu*, A. Abbas-Turki, C. Aurélien, and A. EL Moudni, “Discrete intersection signal control”, IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Aug 27-29, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 1-6, 2007.
13. F. Yan*, J. Wu, M. Dridi, “A Scheduling Model and Complexity Proof for Autonomous Vehicle Sequencing Problem at Isolated Intersections”, the 14th IEEE International Conference on Service Operatins and Logistics, and Informatics, Oct. 8-10,pp.78 – 83, Qingdao, China, 2014
14. A. Abbas-Turki*, M. Ahmane, F. Gao, J. Wu, and A. El Moudni, "Using Robots for Prototyping Autonomous Intersection Management: Feasibility and Feedbacks," presented at the 1st Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control, April 03-05, pp. 308-313, University of Würzburg, Germany, 2012.
15. A. Abbas-Turki*, J. Wu and A. EL Moudni,“Régulation aux zones de conflit par les communications véhicule-véhicule et véhicule-infrastructure”, Group de Travail “Automatique et Automobile” du GdR MACS CNRS (GTAA), 26-27 Mai, Mulhouse, France, 2010.
16. M. Ahmane*, J. Wu, A. Abbas-Turki, and A. El Moudni, "Régulation du Trafic d’une Intersection Simple par Programmation Dynamique," presented at the 8ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel Bagnères de Bigorre, France, 2009.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
083500软件工程 |
03嵌入式软件技术与应用,06智能计算 |
硕士学术学位 |
085405软件工程 |
03嵌入式软件技术与应用,06智能计算 |
硕士专业学位 |