
导师代码: 11818
导师姓名: 明鑫
性    别:
特    称:
职    称: 教授
学    位: 工学博士学位
属    性: 专职
电子邮件: mingxin@uestc.edu.cn

学术经历:   2019.11-至今 功率半导体顶级会议ISPSD技术委员会成员(TPC) 担任以下国际相关领域知名SCI期刊的评审工作 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

个人简介:   先后于2007-2012年在电子科技大学获得工学硕士和博士学位,曾赴比利时鲁汶大学/IMEC中心进修,美国弗吉尼亚理工CPES中心全额资助博后(2013-2014)。现就职于电子科大电子科学与工程学院功率集成技术实验室,从事高频、高功率密度功率****与系统架构研究,包括各类开关电源的控制理论与电路实现、具有快速瞬态响应和高PSR特性的LDO电路、智能GaN驱动电路和具有超低EMI特性的D类音频放大器等。已承担多项****子课题、国家重点研发计划、装备预研基金、JKW基础加强重点项目、自科面上和青年基金以及和华为、新雷能等业界重要横向合作的项目研发(主持项目总经费达2000余万),在IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I、IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II、IEEE Trans. Power Electron.、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electron.、Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing、ISPSD和ISCAS等国际知名电路期刊和顶级会议上发表论文20余篇,担任多个IEEE电路顶级期刊特邀审稿人员,合作编写专著3本,美国专利授权4项,中国发明专利授权40余项。国家自然科学基金评审专家,2019年当选功率半导体顶级会议技术委员会成员(TPC)。毕业学生广泛就职于华为、MPS、Silergy、思瑞浦、圣邦威、晶丰明源和杭州士兰等国内外知名微电子企业或赴欧美高校进一步深造。

科研项目:   [1] 高频GaN栅驱动电路机理与控制策略研究,自科面上,国家级,主持,63万。 [2] GaN功率开关器件驱动与系统集成技术研究,国家重点研发计划,国家级,主持,150万。 [3] Si基GaN功率芯片与CMOS工艺电路融合技术,JKW基础加强,国家级,主持,220万。 [4] 70~100V高压GaN功放多功能电源调制芯片的研究,装备预先研究,国家级,主持,63万。 [5] 提高SoC供电精度的CMOS低压差线性稳压器关键技术研究,自科青年基金,国家级,主持,24万。 [6] 北京新雷能科技股份有限公司-电子科技大学关于电源芯片等领域科技合作协议,横向项目,主持,500万。 [7] 北京新雷能科技股份有限公司—电子科技大学共建“电源芯片联合研发中心”合作协议书,横向项目,主持,800万。

研究成果:   (一)学术论文 SCI期刊: [1] X. Ming*, Z. Chen, Z.-k. Zhou, B. Zhang, “An advanced spread spectrum architecture using pseudorandom modulation to improve EMI in Class D amplifier,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Feb. 2011, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 638-646.(高引论文) [2] X. Ming*, Yang-li Xin, Tian-sheng Li, Hua Liang, Zhao-ji Li and Bo Zhang, “A constant on-time control with internal active ripple compensation strategy for buck converter with ceramic capacitors,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Sep. 2019, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 9263-9278. [3] X. Ming*, Hua Liang, Zhi-Wen Zhang, Yang-Li Xin, Yao Qin and Zhuo Wang, “A high-efficiency and fast-transient low-dropout regulator with adaptive pole tracking frequency compensation technique,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Nov. 2020, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 12401-12415. [4] X. Ming*, Li Hu, Yang-li Xin, Xuan Zhang, Di Gao, and Bo Zhang, “A high-precision resistor-less CMOS compensated bandgap reference based on successive voltage-step compensation,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, May. 2018, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 4086-4096. [5] X. Ming*, Ziwei Fan, Yangli Xin, Xuan Zhang, Feng Shi, Shuo Pan, Jie Zhang, Zhuo Wang and Bo Zhang, “An advanced bootstrap circuit for high frequency, high area-efficiency and low EMI buck converter,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, May. 2019, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 858-862. (特邀文章) [6] X. Ming*, Q. Li, Z.-k. Zhou, B. Zhang, “An ultrafast adaptively biased capacitorless LDO with dynamic charging control,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Jan. 2012, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 40-44. (高引论文) [7] X. Ming*, Ying-qian Ma, Ze-kun Zhou, Bo Zhang, “A high-precision compensated CMOS bandgap voltage reference without resistors,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Oct. 2010, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 767-771. [8] X. Ming*, N. Li, X. M. Zhang, Y. Lu, Z. K. Zhou, Z. Wang, “A capacitor-less LDO regulator with dynamic transconductance enhancement technique,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2015, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 433-444. [9] X. Ming*, N. Li, Y. Lu and Z. Wang, “A wide-bandwidth PSR-enhanced low-dropout regulator using a bandpass feedforward supply ripple rejection circuit,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2014, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 221-232. [10] Xin Ming*, X. Zhang, Z. Wang, B. Zhang, “A 2.65 W high-fidelity filterless class D audio amplifier using multiple loop filters,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2013, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 417-423. [11] X. Ming*, Y. Q. Ma, Z. K. Zhou, B. Zhang. A 1.3 ppm/℃ BiCMOS bandgap voltage reference using piecewise-exponential compensation technique. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2010, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 171-176. 国际会议文章: [1] X. Ming*, Xuan Zhang, Zhi-wen Zhang, Xu-dong Feng, Li Hu, Xia Wang, Qi Zhou and Bo Zhang, “A High-voltage half-bridge gate drive circuit for GaN devices with high-speed low-power and high-noise-immunity level shifter,” in Proc. 30th ISPSD, Chicago, May 2018, pp. 355-358. [2] X. Ming*, Xuan Zhang, Zhi-wen Zhang, Li Hu, Yao Qin, Xu-dong Feng, Zhuo Wang and Bo Zhang, “A High-reliability half-bridge GaN FET gate driver with advanced floating bias control techniques,” in Proc. 31th ISPSD, Shanghai, May 2019, pp. 127-130. [3] X. Ming*, Xiang-jun Li, Zhi-wen Zhang, Yao Qin, Qi-fei Xu, Zi-wei Fan, Yuan-yuan Liu, Xu-dong Feng, Qi Zhou, Zhuo Wang and Bo Zhang, “A GaN HEMT Gate Driver IC with Programmable Turn-on dV/dt Control,” in Proc. 32th ISPSD, Vienna, Sep. 2020, pp. 98-101. [4] Yuanyuan Shi, Qi Zhou, Wei Xiong, Xi Liu, Xin Ming, Zhaoji Li, Wanjun Chen, and Bo Zhang, “Observation of self-recoverable gate degradation in p-GaN AlGaN/GaN HEMTs after long-term forward gate stress: The trapping & detrapping dynamics of hole/electron,” in Proc. 31th ISPSD, Shanghai, May 2019, pp. 423-426. [5] X. Ming*, Jia-hao Zhang, Chun-qi Zhang, Li Hu, Yao Qin, Shao-wei Zhen, Bo Zhang. “A capacitor-less LDO with fast-transient error amplifier and push-pull differentiator,” in Proc. 50th ISCAS, Florence, May 2018. [6] X. Ming*, Xuan Zhang, Di Gao, Jia-Hao Zhang and Bo Zhang, “PSR-enhanced low-dropout regulator using feedforward supply noise rejection technique.” 2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON), pp. 355–358. [7] X. Ming, Zhi-wen Zhang, Zi-wei Fan, Yao Qin, Yuan-yuan Liu, Bo Zhang*, “High Reliability GaN FET Gate Drivers for Next-generation Power Electronics Technology,” 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON). (特邀报告) [8] X. Ming*, Z. K. Zhou and B. Zhang. A low-power ultra-fast capacitor-less LDO with advanced dynamic push-pull techniques. VLSI-SoC 2011, IFIP AICT 379, Hong Kong, pp. 34–51, 2012 (大会唯一最佳论文). [9] Ming Xin*, Chen Zao, Zhou Ze-kun, Zhang Bo. An advanced spread spectrum architecture to improve EMI emissions in Class D amplifier. International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), Milpitas, USA, 2009: 661-665. (二)发明专利 授权美国专利: [1] X. Ming*, Tian-sheng Li, Jun Xu, Zhuo Wang, Bo Zhang, Low-dropout regulator with dynamic pole tracking circuit for improved stability. Patent No. US 9891644 B1, Feb. 15, 2018. [2] X. Ming*, Di Gao, et.al, Low-dropout regulator with Super Transconductance Structure. Patent No. US 10019023 B2, Jul. 10, 2018. [3] X. Ming*, Jiahao Zhang, et.al, Ripple pre-amplification based fully integrated low dropout regulator. Patent No. US010353417B2, Jul. 16, 2019. [4] X. Ming*, Li Hu, Xuan Zhang, et.al, Switch bootstrap charging circuit suitable for gate drive circuit of GaN power device. Patent No. US10673426B2, Jun. 2, 2020. 部分授权中国专利: [1] 一种具有快速瞬态响应的片上低压差线性稳压器, ZL201710532707.0 [2] 一种基于ACOT控制模式的BUCK变换器, ZL201610402844.8 [3] 一种适用于降压变换器输出直流失调的动态消除电路, ZL201710070538.3 [4] 一种用于BUCK变换器的导通时间产生电路, ZL201510507699.5 [5] 一种浮动电源轨PWM比较器, ZL201711338989.7 [6] COT纹波补偿电路中的直流失调消除方法, ZL201610715462.0 [7] 一种高摆率快速瞬态响应LDO电路, ZL201710291748.5 [8] 一种具有快速负载瞬态响应的线性稳压电路, ZL201710274232.X [9] 适用于GaN功率器件高速栅驱动的开关自举充电电路, ZL201810896264.8 [10] 一种适用于GaN功率器件栅驱动电路的自举充电电路, ZL201810925805.5

专业名称 研究方向 招生类别

01  信息与通信工程学院
02  电子科学与工程学院
03  材料与能源学院
04  机械与电气工程学院
05  光电科学与工程学院
06  自动化工程学院
07  资源与环境学院
08  计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)
09  信息与软件工程学院(示范性软件学院)
10  航空航天学院
11  数学科学学院
12  物理学院
13  医学院
14  生命科学与技术学院
15  经济与管理学院
16  公共管理学院
17  外国语学院
18  马克思主义学院
21  基础与前沿研究院
22  通信抗干扰全国重点实验室
23  电子科学技术研究院
28  电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院
31  集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
90  智能计算研究院