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研究方向:目前研究聚焦于数智营销与用户行为、电子商务与商务智能以及AI与数字化运营,主要集中在数字化平台与产品创新、用户生成内容、人机交互行为和大数据营销与管理。 通过结合使用因果推理策略、计量模型和先进的机器学习、文本挖掘技术来为营销和政策决策提供信息支持。
近年来在International Journal of Electronic Commerce,Information & Management,International Journal of Operations & Production Management,Journal of Business Research,Industrial Marketing Management,Information Processing & Management,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,International Journal of Information Management等SSCI期刊发表第一作者通讯作者期刊论文近30篇(其中SSCI一区期刊25篇,高被引4篇,一区SSCI TOP期刊年度最佳论文1篇),合计影响因子超过 260,被引次数 3200 余次,单篇最高被引 480 余次,获四川省科技进步奖一项。
2013至今,担任Proceedings of the IEEE(SCI)、International Journal of Electronic Commerce(SSCI)、Information & Management (SSCI)、ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)、Computer & Education(SSCI)、European Journal of Marketing(SSCI)、Information Processing & Management(SSCI)、International Journal of Information Management (SSCI)、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI)、International Journal of Production Research(SSCI)、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI)、International Journal of Public Opinion Research(SSCI)、Behaviour & Information Technology(SSCI)、Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (SSCI)、International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making(SCI)、Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI)、“南开管理评论”、“管理世界”、“管理学报”、“信息系统学报”、“电子科技大学学报”等期刊同行评议人。担任Behavioral Sciences (SSCI) 、Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI)等期刊的编辑,并被Electronic Commerce Research and Applications ,Computers in Human Behavior, Computer & Education 等期刊评为杰出审稿人。担任信息系统协会中国分会CNAIS理事会理事,国家开放大学教育信息管理与信息系统研究中心特聘专家,四川省电子商务与现代物流研究中心学术委员会委员,教育部学位中心通讯评议专家等,同时担任多个国际国内学会会议分会场主席。国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金评审人。
1. L Han, J Fang, Q Zheng, BT George, M Liao, MA Hossin. Unveiling the effects of livestream studio environment design on sales performance: A machine learning exploration.Industrial Marketing Management, 2024, 117, 161-172.
2. Miyan Liao, Jiaming Fang, Lintong Han, Ling Wen, Qiqi Zheng, Guoen Xia. Boosting eCommerce sales with livestreaming in B2B marketplace: A perspective on live streamers' competencies. Journal of Business Research, 2023,167,114167.
3. Jiaming Fang, Lu Liu, Md Altab Hossin, Chao Wen, Guoen Xia. Market Competition as a Moderator of the Effect of Social Signals on Viewership in Video-Sharing Platforms.Information Processing & Management,2023,60(3),103329.
4. Lu Liu, Jiaming Fang, Liang Yang, Lintong Han, Md Altab Hossin, Chao Wen. The power of talk: Exploring the effects of streamers’ linguistic styles on sales performance in B2B livestreaming commerce.Information Processing & Management, 2023, 60(3), 103259
5. Jiaming Fang, Ling Wen, Haiyan Ren, Chao Wen. The effect of technical and functional quality on online physician selection: Moderation effect of competition intensity.Information Processing & Management, 2022, 59(4), 102969..
6. 廖觅燕, 方佳明, 杨晶晶, Md Altab Hossin. 应对行为视角下算法推荐内容相似性对App持续使用的影响, 南开管理评论,2023, 26(3), 178-190
7. Jiaming Fang, Lixue Hu, Xiangqian Liu, Victor R Prybutok. Impact of air quality on online restaurant review comprehensiveness. Electronic Commerce Research, 2022,22(1), 1035-1058
8. Jiaming Fang, Lixue Hu, Md Altab Hossin, Jingjing Yang, Yunfei Shao. Polluted Online Reviews: The Effect of Air Pollution on Reviewer Behavior. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2019,23(4): 557-594.
9. Jiaming Fang, Lei Chen, Chao Wen, Victor Prybutok. Co-viewing Experience in Video Websites: The Effect of Social Presence on E-loyalty. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2018, 22(3),446-476
10. Jiaming Fang, Lei Chen, Xiaoyuan Wang, Benjamin George. Not All Posts are Treated Equal: An Empirical Investigation of Post Replying Behavior in An Online Travel Community. Information and Management, 2018, 55(7), 890-900.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
120200工商管理学 |
03服务与运营,04大数据与营销管理 |
博士学术学位 |
120200工商管理学 |
02数智营销与渠道管理,06服务与运营管理 |
硕士学术学位 |