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胡杰辉,1979年12月,博士,教授,电子科技大学外国语学院院长,中国英汉语比较研究会心理语言学专业委员会常务理事、秘书长,电子科技大学神经信息教育部重点实验室和信息医学研究中心研究员。研究兴趣为两方面:1)心理语言学:采用行为实验、脑电和磁共振技术相结合研究双语学习与表征的认知神经机制 ;2)应用语言学:采用课堂观察、结合大数据挖掘技术研究混合式外语学习理论与实践 。
1.教育部虚拟教研室:大学外语课程群虚拟教研室(2022 主持)
2.教育部新文科研究与改革实践建设项目:精准服务国家战略需求的信息化外语教育模式探索(2021 主持)
3.国家社科基金项目:线上线下混合式大学英语学习者画像构建及应用研究(2020 主持)
4.教育部人文社科自选课题:线上线下混合式外语金课建设模式研究, (2020 主持)
5.教育部人文社科基金项目:双语者语言与文化认知的交互作用研究(2017 主持)
6.中国外语教育基金项目:心理学学术英语语料库建设,(2017 主持)
7. 国家自然科学基金一般项目“情感社会反馈如何促进人类学习与记忆及其神经机制研究”(排名3,2012-2015年)
8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“杏仁核社会认知功能紊乱的代偿脑机制--基于皮层镜像神经元系统潜在作用的研究”(排名4,2016-2019年)
1.胡杰辉. 中国英语学习者语言模式与权力空间隐喻认知的交互作用研究[J]. 解放军外国语学院学报,2021,44(01):10-18.
2.胡杰辉,许婷. 中国英语学习者社会规范加工的外语效应机制[J].现代外语,2020,43(03): 353-364.
7.Khatin-Zadeh, Omid, Hu, J.,* Marmolejo-Ramos, F., & Farsani, D. 2023. The impact of gestural representation of metaphor schema on metaphor comprehension. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.1515/psicl-2022-1056
8.Hu J., et al. Gao S. 2022. Valence-differential mechanisms of the foreign language effect in decision-making under risk. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2022.2043333
9.Chen W., Liang C., Gao Z., Hu J., Wang T.*, Gao S.* 2022. Language-emotion interaction modulates selective attention to a speaker’s eyes and mouth: Evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2022.2153855
10.Zhang W., Lan Y., Li Q., Gao Z., Hu J., Gao S.* 2022. The foreign-language effect on self-positivity bias: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728922000827
11.Chou I, Hu J, Mu?oz E and García AM (2021) Discourse-level information recall in early and late bilinguals: Evidence from single-language and cross-linguistic Tasks. Front. Psychol. 12:757351.
12.Zhang, W., Zhou, Y., Hu, J., Gao Z., Gao S.*. Anxiety- and depression-related individual differences in affective and cognitive judgments of self-referential praise and criticism. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 2021, 40(3): 201-220
13.Zhang T., Chen X., Hu J., Ketwan P. (2021). EFL students' preferences for written corrective feedback: Do error types, language proficiency, and foreign language enjoyment matter? Frontiers in Psychology 12, 660564.
14.Li Y., Ma, X., Zhao, J. & Hu, J.* (2020). Graduate-level research writing instruction: Two Chinese EAP teachers’ localized ESP genre-based pedagogy. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 43, 100813.
15.Xu L. & Hu J.* (2019). Language feedback responses, voices and identity (re)construction: Experiences of Chinese international doctoral students, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 57 (6): 724-735
16.Hu, J., Thierry G. (2017). New and interdisciplinary approaches to language and cognition. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology. 15 (1): 1-4.
17.Luo, L., Becker, B., Geng, Y., Zhao, Z., Gao, S., Zhao, W., Yao, X., Zheng, X.,Ma, X., Gao Z., Hu, J., & Kendrick, K. M. (2017). Sex-dependent neural effect of oxytocin during subliminal processing of negative emotion faces. NeuroImage, 162, 127-137.
18.Gao, S., Becker, B., Luo, L., Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Hu, J., Gao, Z., Gong, Q., Hurlemann, R., Yao, D., & Kendrick, K. (2016). Oxytocin, the peptide that bonds the sexes also divides them. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 113(27): 7650–7654.
19.Hu, J.#, Qi, S. #, Becker, B. #, Luo, L., Gao, S., Gong, Q., Hurlemann, R., & Kendrick, K. (2015). Oxytocin selectively facilitates learning with social feedback and increases activity and functional connectivity in emotional memory and reward processing regions. Human Brain Mapping. 36 (6): 2132-2146.
20.Ma, H., Hu, J.*, Xi J, Shen, W., Ge, J., Geng, F., Wu, Y., Guo, J., & Yao, D. (2014). Bilingual cognitive control in language switching: an fMRI study of Chinese-English late bilinguals. PLoS ONE 9(9)
21.Yang, H., Ma,W., Gong, D., Hu, J. & Yao, D. (2014). A longitudinal study on children’s music training experience and academic development. Scientific Report 4, 5854.
22.Hu, J. #, Gao, S. #, Ma, W. & Yao, D. (2012). Dissociation of tone and vowel processing in Mandarin idioms. Psychophysiology. 49(9): 1179-1190.
23.Gao S. #, Hu J. # , Gong D., Chen S., Kendrick K. & Yao D. (2012). Integration of consonant and pitch processing as revealed by the absence of additivity in mismatch negativity. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38289.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
083100生物医学工程 |
01生物医学工程,06社会认知与情感神经学 |
博士学术学位 |