
导师代码: 10970
导师姓名: 周雪
性    别:
特    称:
职    称: 教授
学    位: 工学博士学位
属    性: 专职
电子邮件: zhouxue@uestc.edu.cn

学术经历:   2003.09-2008.07 中国科学院自动化研究所 硕博连读; 2008.07-2010.07 电子科技大学自动化工程学院 讲师; 2010.07-2020.07 电子科技大学自动化工程学院 副教授; 2020.08-至今 电子科技大学自动化工程学院 教授; 2011.05-2012.05澳大利亚阿德莱德大学计算机学院 访问学者

个人简介:   目前主要从事基于视频图像的目标检测、跟踪和识别的算法研究,同时也致力于攻关实际智能识别应用中的核心关键技术。作为第一项目负责人主持四项国家自然科学基金项目及多项省部级项目。在国内外高水平期刊IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics、TIP、CSVT、Signal Processing及国际学术会议AAAI 、ICASSP、ICIP、ACCV、VCIP上发表论文四十余篇。申请专利30余项,授权20余项。担任中国自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专业委员会委员。获得2022中国自动化学会优秀硕士学位论文导师奖。获得2023年度“中国航空学会科学技术奖”--自然科学奖一等奖。指导的研究生获得IEEE VCIP2018(Visual Communications and Image Processing)视觉通信和图像处理国际会议最佳学生论文奖(唯一)。指导学生在人工智能学会、华为、中兴、高通等企业举办的多目标跟踪算法比赛中多次获奖。

科研项目:   主持四项国家自然科学基金项目: NSFC No.60905015: 融合颜色和形状的基于水平集的目标轮廓跟踪; NSFC No.61472063:基于超像素的判别式目标主动轮廓跟踪; NSFC No.61972071:多任务驱动弱监督下的多人体目标主动轮廓跟踪; NSFC No.62372082:基于检测的多模块协同学习一体化多目标跟踪.

研究成果:   [1]Chao Liang, Zhipeng Zhang, Xue Zhou*, et al., Rethinking the Competition between Detection and ReID in Multi-Object Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP), vol.31, pp.3182-3196, 2022. [2]Chao Liang, Zhipeng Zhang, Xue Zhou*, et al., One More Check: Making “Fake Background” Be Tracked Again: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022, Vancouver, BC, Canada. [3]Jie Yang, Mingfu Xia, Xue Zhou*, “Context-aware Deformable Alignment for Video Object Segmentation”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022. [4]Jin Ding, Xue Zhou*, “Learning Feature Fusion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022. [5]Gehan Hao, Yang Yang, Xue Zhou*, Guanan Wang, and Zhen Lei, Horizontal Flipping Assisted Disentangled Feature Learning for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification, Asia Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV),2020, Kyoto, Japan. [6]Yiming Wu, Xi Li, Fei Wu, Qi Tian, Xue Zhou, Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.29, pp.8821-8830,2020. [7] Xue Zhou, Xi Li* and Weiming Hu, “Learning A Superpixel-Driven Speed Function for Level Set Tracking”, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, vol.46, no.7, pp.1498-1510, 2016. [8] Xue Zhou and Xi Li*, “Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Human Silhouette Reconstruction”, Signal Processing, vol. 110, pp. 27-36, 2015. [9] Weiming Hu*, Xue Zhou, Wei Li, Wenhan Luo, Xiaoqin Zhang and Stephen Maybank, “Active contour-based visual tracking by integrating colors, shapes and motions”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing(TIP), vol.22, no.5, pp. 1778-1792, 2013. [10] Yuting Xu, Xue Zhou*, Pengfei Liu and Hongbing Xu, “Rapid Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Omega-Shape Features with Partial Occlusion Handling”, Neural Processing Letters, vol.49, pp. 923-937, 2019. [11] Weiming Hu*, Xue Zhou, Min Hu and Stephen Maybank, “Occlusion Reasoning for Tracking Multiple People”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), vol.19, no.1, pp.114-121, 2009. [12] Weiming Hu*, Min Hu, Xue Zhou, Tieniu Tan, Jianguang Lou and Stephen Maybank, “Principal axis-based correspondence between cameras for people tracking”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol.28, no.4, pp. 663-671, 2006. [13] Kexin Chen, Xue Zhou*, Qidong Zhou and Hongbing Xu, “Adversarial Learning-based Data Augmentation for Rotation-Robust Human Tracking”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 12-17, UK, 2019. [14] Kexin Chen, Xue Zhou*, Wei Xiang and Qidong Zhou, “Data Augmentation Using GAN for Multi-Domain Network-based Human Tracking”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), December 9-12, Taichung, Taiwan, 2018. (Best Student Paper Award) [15] Yuting Xu, Xue Zhou*, Pengfei Liu and Hongbing Xu, “Real-Time Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Deep Omega-Shape Features”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 15-20, Canada, 2018. [16] Xue Zhou*, Kexin Chen and Qidong Zhou, “Superpixel-Based Level Set Tracking by Integrating Appearance and Motion”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), December 10-13, USA, 2017. [17] Xue Zhou*, “Sparseness Constrained NMF-based Shape Priors for Level Set Tracking”, in Proc. of IEEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 23-26, Taipei, 2016. [18] Xue Zhou, Xi Li*, Tat-Jun Chin and David Suter, “Superpixel-Driven Level Set Tracking”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 30-October 3, USA, 2012. [19] Xue Zhou, Xi Li*, Tat-Jun Chin and David Suter, “Adaptive Human Silhouette Reconstruction Based on the Exploration of Temporal Information”, in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 25-30, Kyoto, 2012. [20] Wei Li, Xiaoqin Zhang, Weiming Hu*, Haibing Ling and Xue Zhou, “Discriminative Level Set for Contour Tracking”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), August 23-26, Turkey, 2010. [21] Xue Zhou, Xi Li and Weiming Hu*, “Level Set Tracking with Dynamical Shape Priors”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 12-15, USA, 2008. [22] Xue Zhou, Weiming Hu*, Ying Chen and Wei Hu, “Markov Random Field Modeled Level Sets Method for Object Tracking with Moving Cameras”, in Proc. of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), November 18-22, Tokyo, 2007. [23] 周雪,胡卫明*,“融合颜色和增量形状先验的目标轮廓跟踪”,自动化学报,35(11),pp.1394-1402, 2009. 学生算法比赛获奖: 2020年获得“中兴捧月”算法精英挑战赛多目标跟踪赛道一等奖; 2021年在中国人工智能学会举办的全球人工智能技术创新大赛“PANDA大场景多对象检测跟踪”赛道中获得全国二等奖; 2021年获得第一届中国农业人工智能创新创业大赛二等奖; 2021年获得ICIP Workshop GigaDetection竞赛第三名; 2021年获得ACM MM Workshop GigaTracking竞赛第四名; 2021年获得ICCV Workshop GigaVision竞赛第四名; 2022年获得山东省第三届数据应用创新创业大赛—“基于两次筛选的实景行人重识别方法”二等奖; 2022年获得华为软件精英挑战赛成渝赛区二等奖; 2022年获得高通人工智能开发者大会“智慧零售-客流统计”赛道冠军; 2023年获得长三角(芜湖)人工智能视觉算法大赛——“基于跨时空跟踪的客流统计赛道”全国亚军。

专业名称 研究领域/方向 招生类别
085400电子信息 09控制科学与工程(非全) 硕士专业学位
085406控制工程 01控制科学与工程 硕士专业学位

01  信息与通信工程学院
02  电子科学与工程学院
03  材料与能源学院
04  机械与电气工程学院
05  光电科学与工程学院
06  自动化工程学院
07  资源与环境学院
08  计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)
09  信息与软件工程学院(示范性软件学院)
10  航空航天学院
11  数学科学学院
12  物理学院
13  医学院
14  生命科学与技术学院
15  经济与管理学院
16  公共管理学院
17  外国语学院
18  马克思主义学院
21  基础与前沿研究院
22  通信抗干扰全国重点实验室
23  电子科学技术研究院
28  电子科技大学(深圳)高等研究院
31  集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
90  智能计算研究院