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男 |
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2006.09 – 2009.08 香港城市大学电子工程系毫米波国家重点实验室 博士生;
2005.09 – 2006.08 香港城市大学电子工程系无线通信研究中心 研究助理;
2004.04 – 2005.08 中物院电子工程研究所 助理工程师;
2001.09 – 2004.04 电子科技大学物理电子学院应用物理研究所 硕士生;
18. 太赫兹液晶全息天线阵半空间波束扫描新方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,在研(202301-202612)
17. 64路幅度控制组件,横向,主持,在研(202201-202408)
16. 柔性RFIDxxxx研究,装发,主研,在研(202112-202412)
15. 全息人工阻抗表面xxx研究,装发,主持,结题(202112-202205)
14. 64路功分移相组件开发,横向,主持,已结题(201910-202010)
13. 面向功能结构一体化应用的超宽带超薄天线基础理论研究,横向,主持,已结题(201909-202109)
12. 超窄脉冲收发组件,横向,主持,已结题(201909-202006)
11. CCFD天线阵自干扰抑制研究,国家重点实验室基金(重点),主持,已结题(201901-201912);
10. 高效时间反演xxx,总装预研基金,主持,已结题(201505-201704);
9. 多功能前端中本振工作机理和特性的理论、模拟方法与试验研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,已结题(201301-201612);
8. 基于模拟信号处理技术的时间反演镜研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,主持,已结题(201401-201812);
7. 基于RFID的复杂环境中移动目标的快速定位研究,教育部新世纪优秀人才项目,主持,已结题(201301-201512);
6. XXX机理研究,总装预研基金,主持,已结题(201107-201306);
5. 多功能微波系统中本振的工作机理研究,国家重点实验室基金,主持,已结题(201201-201312);
4. 基于LTCC技术的V频段低噪放研究,重点实验室基金,主持,已结题(201104-201309);
3. 微波加快化学反应中的非线性响应分析,中央高校业务费项目,主持,已结题(201201-201312);
2. 用于高性能移动终端的亚波长微结构天线阵列研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主研,已结题(201101-201312);
Some research articles in recent years(up to Sept. 2022):
Qi-Cheng Ye, Jia-Lin Li, and Yi-Ming Zhang, “A circular polarization reconfigurable antenna with enhanced axial ratio bandwidth,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1248-1252, June 2022;
Jia-Lin Li, Long-Jie Wang, Jin Liu, Kexin Song, Ye Jin, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, “A wideband dual-circularly polarized traveling wave antenna array,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 407-412, Dec. 2021;
Qi-Cheng Ye, Yi-Ming Zhang, Jia-Lin Li, Gert Frolund Pedersen, Shuai Zhang “High-isolation dual-polarized leaky-wave antenna with fixed beam for full-duplex millimeter-wave applications,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7202-7212, Nov. 2021;
Jia-Lin Li, Si-Yu Yin, Cheng-Guang Sun, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, and Ke-Xin Song, “Spoof surface plasmon polaritons for time reversal electromagnetic signals,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1547-1551, Aug. 2021;
Lei Xia, Jia-Lin Li, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Shan-Shan Gao, “Analytical and numerical study on dual-mode patch resonator filters with real or imaginary transmission zeros,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 30, iss. 09, pp. 2150170(14pp), July 2021;
Qi-Cheng Ye, Jia-Lin Li, and Ce Wang, “Development of Microstrip Reflectarray Based Monostatic STAR Antenna,” AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 137, pp. 153827(8pp), July 2021;
Jin Liu, Jia-Lin Li, “Quad-polarization reconfigurable holographic artificial impedance surface based on liquid crystal at terahertz band,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 54, no. 33, pp. 335001(9pp), 4 June 2021;
Shan Shan Gao, Jia-Lin Li, Rong-Bin Chen, Kexin Song, Yu Shuang Liu, Jia Li Xu, and Yue Peng Li, “Microwave lowpass filter with improved out-of-band performance based on tilted rectangular slots,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 72, no.3, pp.213-216, June 2021;
Qi-Cheng Ye, Jia-Lin Li, “Wideband Horn Antenna Array with Microstrip Feed based on Multilayered Dielectric Substrate Board,” AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 134, pp. 153674(7pp), May 2021;
Jin Liu, Jia-Lin Li, “A low-cost, wideband, dual-circularly polarized traveling wave antenna array,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 31, iss. 3, pp. e22532(8pp), Mar. 2021;
Rong-Bin Chen, Xiao-Ou Ou, Jia-Lin Li, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, “Design of microwave lowpass filter based on log-periodic zig-zag DGS,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 428-432, Dec. 2020;
Shan Shan Gao, Jia-Lin Li, Zhe Lin Zhu, Jia Li Xu, and Yong Xin Zhao, “Dual-mode resonator filter with improved feed-lines for dual-band applications,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 433-435, Dec. 2020;
Cheng-Guang Sun, Jia-Lin Li, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, “Multi-way differential power divider with microstrip output interfaces,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 274-280, Aug. 2020;
Yi-Ming Zhang and Jia-Lin Li, “A differential-series-fed dual-polarized traveling-wave array for full-duplex applications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 4097-4101, May 2020;
Yi-Ming Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Jia-Lin Li, and Gert Frolund Pedersen, “A wavetrap-based decoupling technique for 45deg-polarized MIMO antenna arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2148-2157, Mar. 2020;
Lei Xia, Jia-Lin Li, Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Peng Liu, and Shan-Shan Gao, “Planar dual-band branch-line coupler with large frequency ratio”, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 8, iss.1, pp. 33188-33195, Feb. 2020;
Lei Xia, Jia-Lin Li, Zhuang Ji, Shan-Shan Gao, “An in-line coaxial-to-circular waveguide transition at X band”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 55-59, Feb. 2020;
Lei Xia, Jia-Lin Li, and Peng Liu, “Dual frequency Wilkinson power divider with ±45deg phase shifts at the two bands”, Electromagnetics, vol. 40, iss. 3, pp. 199-206, Feb. 2020;
Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Jia-Lin Li, Christian Dzah, “Sensitivity enhancement of super resolution breast tumour imaging with far-field time reversal mirror integrating with multi-layered sub-wavelength patch scatterers”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 075401(23pp), 13 Feb. 2020;
Jia-Nan Sun, Jia-Lin Li, and Lei Xia, “A dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole antenna for application to N77/N78 band”, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 161708-161715, Nov. 2019;
Hong-En Su, Jia-Lin Li, and Lei Xia, “A novel temperature controlled broadband metamaterial absorber for THz applications”, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 161255-161263, Nov. 2019;
Jia-Lin Li, Bao-Guo Yu, “Numerical study and experimental validation of a four-way feeding network with 45deg broadband phase shifts for antenna array applications”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 400-405, Nov. 2019;
Shan Shan Gao, Jia-Lin Li, Hui Min Qiao, “Compact band notched slot antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications based on strong coupling slots”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 14, iss. 5, pp. 2091-2095, Sept. 2019;
Ming Yao, Jia Lin Li, Lei Xia and Shan Shan Gao, “Wide dual-band dual-circularly polarized holographic metasurface”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, no. 42, pp. 425001(11pp), 23 Oct. 2019;
Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Jia-Lin Li, and Lei Xia, “A multi-coupled line based microstrip diplexer with high figure-of-merit”, Electromagnetics, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 465-472, Aug. 2019;
Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Jia-Lin Li, “Numerical simulation study on bowtie antenna based time reversal mirror for super-resolution target detection”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 70, no 3, pp. 236-243, June 2019;
Yi-Ming Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Jia-Lin Li, and Gert Frolund Pedersen, “A transmission-line-based decoupling method for MIMO antenna arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 3117-3131, May 2019;
Yi-Ming Zhang, and Jia-Lin Li, “An orbital angular momentum-based array for in-band full-duplex communications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 417-421, Mar. 2019;
Yi-Ming Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Jia-Lin Li, and Gert Frolund Pedersen, “A dual-polarized linear antenna array with improved isolation using a slotline-based 180° hybrid for full-duplex applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 348-352, Feb. 2019;
Ming Yao and Jia Lin Li, “Beam reconfigurable holographic artificial impedance surface at Terahertz band”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, no. 15, pp. 155001(11pp), 10 Apr. 2019;
Shan Shan Gao, Hui-Min Qiao, Jia-Lin Li, “Multibeam holographic antenna for terahertz applications”, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 181, pp.538-544, Mar. 2019;
Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi, Jia-Lin Li, “An equivalent circuit model of a rectangular bracket shaped DGS and its microwave filter applications”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.70, no. 1, pp. 32-38, Feb. 2019;
Baidenger Agyekum Twumasi and Jia-Lin Li, “A compact, wideband branch-line balun with small magnitude and phase imbalances”, Electromagnetics, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 30-40, Feb. 2019
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
081000信息与通信工程 |
02智能深地探测 |
博士学术学位 |
085400电子信息 |
02智能深地探测,04智能深地探测(非全) |
博士专业学位 |
081000信息与通信工程 |
01雷达探测与成像识别,03通信集成电路与系统,05机器学习与人工智能 |
硕士学术学位 |
085411大数据技术与工程 |
01大数据技术与工程,02大数据技术与工程(非全) |
硕士专业学位 |