
导师代码: 10758
导师姓名: 付永启
性    别:
特    称:
职    称: 教授
学    位: 工学博士学位
属    性: 专职
电子邮件: yqfu@uestc.edu.cn

学术经历:   1996.5~1998.7: 于中国科学院长春光学精密机械研究所应用光学国家重点实验室衍射光学组作博士后研究, 研究方向为衍射光学及微光学,具体从事折衍混合光学系统设计、衍射光学元件的设计、制作和复制技术研究。 1998.8~ 2001.11: 于新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University, 简称NTU) 精密工程与纳米技术中心 (简称PEN Center) 作研究员,主要从事微光学元件的设计、制作与复制、光电子器件与微光学元件的集成、以及聚焦离子束技术在纳米加工和微电子芯片故障诊断分析中的应用。 2001.12~2005.3: 加入新加坡-美国麻省理工学院联盟 (SMA Singapore- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance) 加工技术创新计划项目 (IMST Program), 继续 于精密工程与纳米技术中心从事纳米加工、纳米结构自成型、衍射光学、微光学、以及微光学机械系统的研究工作。 2005.04~2007.5: 于新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University, 简称NTU) 精密工程与纳米技术中心 (简称PEN Center) 作高级研究员,主要从事基于纳米光学的纳米光学探头、纳金属结构、以及纳米检测系统研究。 2004.11~2007.5: 于中国科学院光电技术研究所微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室客座研究员。 2007.06~2008.7:于中国科学院光电技术研究所微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室任研究员,并入选中国科学院2007年度“百人计划”。研究方向为纳米光刻、及纳光子器件研究。 2008.7~至今:入选电子科技大学“杰出人才引进”计划,于物理电子学院任教授、学科带头人。研究方向为微纳光学。

个人简介:   1988年毕业于吉林大学获工学学士学位。1993年于长春理工大学获工学硕士学位。1996于中国科学院长春光学精密机械研究所获工学博士学位。先后在应用光学国家重点实验室、新加坡南洋理工大学、微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室作博士后及研究员。目前在电子科技大学物理电子学院任教授、博士生导师,研究方向为微纳光学。近年来,在微细加工、纳米加工、衍射光学、微光学、表面等离子体光学、及亚波长光学等领域取得多项研究成果,在国际相关著名学术期刊和国内核心学术刊物上发表论文150余篇,其中SCI源期刊检索论文120余篇,相关成果被国际同类期刊和专业书籍多次引用,累计被引次数1000余次;SCI统计h指数为18。多次受邀参加相关国际会议并作特邀报告,发表国际会议文集论文26篇。文章覆盖的领域包括纳米加工、纳米光学、衍射光学与微光学、光电子学、精密工程、以及光电检测等六个主要领域。分别撰写四本英文专著的四个章节,并独立撰写英文专著(Subwavelength Optics: Theory and Technology)、中文专著(《纳光子学及其应用》)各一部。申请美国及中国发明专利各一项并授权。其中有关利用聚焦离子束一步制作微光学元件的内容被法国DELAWARE 大学电子和计算机工程系的Robert G. Hunsperger 教授写入其编著的教科书《Integrated Optics: Theory and Technology》(第五版,2002年)的一个章节中(Section 19.5,pp.362~364)。部分研究结果还被美国网络多媒体组织NANOPOLIS于2007年出版的《纳米技术百科全书》引用并收录(原名为Exploring of Nanotechnology;并被邀请作“聚焦离子束”章节的内容评审人。研究成果中有关基于聚焦离子束直接沉积实现微型柱面透镜与边缘发射型半导体激光器集成化技术、以及类金刚石薄膜上一步写入微透镜技术,分别被国际上面向工业界的光学类杂志 Laser Focus World 于2000年12月及2003年11月摘录并以新闻简报的形式在“光电子世界新闻”栏目中公布。现为Applied Physics Letter, Optics Express, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters等23种国际著名学术刊物的特约审稿人,任国际学术刊物Physics Express的编委。目前为国家科技部“973”专家评审组成员及“973”项目指导专家组成员。

科研项目:   1.国家自然科学基金项目“用于衍射光学元件的材料及复制技术研究”( 批准号:69878015,现已结题,起止年限:1999年1月~2001年12月)。研究经费13.5万元,参加人员数5人。 2.国家自然科学基金项目“基于表面等离子体极化及偏振效应的远场超透镜研究”( 批准号:60877021,总经费35万元,现已结题),起止年限:2009年1月~2011年12月。 3.国家自然科学基金联合项目“超分辨光学成像用负折射率材料的制备研究”( 批准号:11079014,总经费40万元,在研项目),起止年限:2011年1月~2013年12月。 4.国家自然科学基金项目“基于超分辨成像用途的纳光子结构的近场倏失波放大研究”( 批准号:61077010,总经费40万元,在研项目),起止年限:2011年1月~2013年12月。 5.微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室开放基金课题: “SPR纳光子结构的性质与实验研究”, 总经费10万元,参加人员数4人。起止年限:2006年3月~2008年3月。 6.应用光学国家重点实验室开放基金项目“衍射光学元件制作的离子束刻蚀技术研究”。研究经费5万元,参加人员数4人。起止年限:1997年3月~1999年3月。 7.天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划:“微刀具和纳米管探针的制备和结构优化关键技术研究”,总经费10万元。起止年限:2010年1月~2012年12月。 8.横向课题:“纳米管近场探针开发”,项目来源于天津微纳制造技术有限公司,总经费15万元。本人为项目负责人。起止年月:2010年9月-2011年9月。

研究成果:   英、中文专业书籍撰写 1. 撰写英文专著一个章节,名为《Focused Ion Beam for Nano-optics》, 书名为《Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology》Vol.14, p.205-262, 由著名出版商 American Scientific Publisher 于2010年6月出版. (出版号ISBN: 1-58883-159-0 (vols. 11-25, 2010)) 2. 撰写英文专著一个章节,名为 《FIB Machining and Deposition》, 书名为《Ion beams in Nanoscience and Technology》. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York 2009. (出版号ISBN 978-3-642-00622-7, e-ISBN 978-3-642-00623-4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00623-4). 3. 撰写英文专著一个章节,名为《Lithography: Principles, Processes and Materials》, 书名为《Lithography: Principles, Processes and Materials》. (出版号ISBN: 978-1-61761-837-6), 由著名出版商Nova Science Publishers于2011年1月出版,相应网页介绍链接如下: URL link: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=14427 4. 撰写英文专著一个章节,名为《Nanofabrication and characterization of plasmonic structures》, 书名为 《Nanofabrication》 (出版号ISBN: 978-953-307-912-7), 由著名出版商InTech Publisher 于2011年10月出版。网页链接http://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/nanofabrication 5. 撰写英文专著一个章节,名为, “Plasmonic lenses”, 书名为《Plasmonics: Principles and Applications》. (ISBN: 979-953-307-855-6), 由著名出版商 InTech Publisher 于 2012年8月出版。 网页链接: http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/e74f79681a8c87bb027f48ad33a3e068/ 6. 独立撰写英文专著一部,名为 《Subwavelength Optics: Theory and Technology》 (出版号ISBN: 798-1-60805-050-5) 出版商为 Bentham Science Publisher in UAE,已于2009年11月出版发行。网页链接: http://bentham.org/ebooks/9781608050505/index.htm。 7. 独立撰写中文专著一部,名为 《纳光子学及其应用》(出版号ISBN: 978-7-80248-537-2),由中国兵器工业出版社于2010年12月正式出版发行。 I. 欧美学术刊物论文(SCI检索收录论文) A. 有关纳米光学、纳光子学、以及生物传感领域的论文: 1.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Chunlei Du, Xiangang Luo, Plasmonic microzone plate: superfocusing at visible regime, Applied Physics Letter 91(6), 061124 (6 Aug. 2007). Selected and republished online in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 16(9), August 27, 2007. 2.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Nano-pinhole-based optical superlens, Research Letter in Physics, Vol.2008, 148505 (Feb. 2008). 3.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Propagation properties of a plasmonic micro-zone plate in near-field region. Journal of Optical Society of America A 25(1), 238-249 (Jan. 2008). Selected and republished online in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 17(4), Jan. 28, 2008. 4.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lennie E.N. Lim, Chunlei Du, Haofei Shi, ChangTao Wang, Xiaochun Dong, Transmission and reflection navigated optical probe with depth-tuned surface corrugations. Applied Physics B, Vol. 86, No. 1, 155-158 (2007). 5.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Chunlei Du, Influences of V-shaped plasmonic nanostructures on transmission properties. Applied Physics B, Vol. 86, No. 3, 461-466 (2007). 6.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of physical properties of quartz via focused ion beam Bombardment. Applied Physics B, Vol. 80, No. 4, 581-585 (6 April 2005). 7.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Propagation properties of plasmonic micro-zone plates with and without fractals, Applied Physics B, 90, 421-425 (Mar. 2008). 8.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Chunlei Du, Xiangang Luo, et al., Investigation of propagation properties of plasmonic nanostructures with nonparaxial Gaussian beam illumination. Journal of Nanophotonics Vol.1, 013511 (May 27 2007). 9.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Hybrid Au-Ag subwavelength metallic structures with variant periods for superfocusing, Journal of Nanophotonics Vol. 3, 033504 (22 June 2009). 10.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lennie E N Lim, Chunlei Du, A practical V-shaped nano-aperture flanked with surface corrugations for beam focusing. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. Vol.4, No.3, 614-618 (May 2007). 11.Yongqi Fu, Yong Yang, Recent development of plasmonic metallic subwavelength structures: A review, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 6(7), 1412-1429 (2009). 12.Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhao, Unique beaming properties of plasmonic zone plate-like metallic structures, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 6(3), 617–624 (2009). 13.Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhao, Elongated focal length for imaging of plasmonic photon sieves at near-field, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 6(3), 610–616 (2009). 14.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lennie E.N. Lim, Chunlei Du, Haofei Shi, Changtao Wang, Geometrical characterization issues of plasmonic nanostructures with depth-tuned grooves for beam shaping. Optical Engineering. 45(10), 108001 (17 October 2006). 15.Yongqi Fu, Shaoli Zhu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhou, and Wei Zhao, Rhombic silver nanoparticles array-based plasmonic filter, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.25, No.19, 2557–2566 (2011). 16.Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Modulation of main lobe for superfocusing using subwavelength metallic heterostructures, Plasmonics, 4(2), 141-146 (2009). 17.Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Shaoli Zhu, Ultra-enhanced lasing effect of plasmonic lens structured with elliptical nano-pinholes distributed in variant period. Plasmonics 5 (2), 111-116 (2010). 18.Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Plasmonic lenses: A review, Plasmonics 5 (3), 287-310 (2010). 19.Yongqi Fu, Rakesh G. Mote, Qian Wang, Wei Zhou, Experimental study of plasmonic structures with variant periods for superfocusing: analyses of characterization errors, Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (14), 1550-1556 (2009). 20.Yongqi Fu, Yu Liu, Xiuli Zhou, Shaoli Zhu, Experimental demonstration of focusing and lasing of plasmonic lens with chirped circular slits, Optics Express 18 (4), 3438–3443 (2010). 21.Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, K. Li, S. Wang, Z. Cai, Coupling mode-based nanophotonic circuit device, Applied Physics B, 91(2), 373-376 (2008). 22.Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Wang Shi-Yong , Peng An-Jing, Cai Zhong-Heng, Funnel-shaped arrays of metal nano-cylinders for nano-focusing, Chinese Physics Letters 25 (9), 3296-3299 (2008). 23.Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Zhenghao Li, Zongrui Deng, Shiyong Wang, Surface Plasmon Polaritons-based Nanophotonic Directional Coupler. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 7(2), 264-268 (2010). 24.Xiuli Zhou, Shiyong Wang, Yongqi Fu, Yan You, and Zhenkui Shi, Tunable THz Broadband Filters in Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Plate, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 7(10), 2068-2071 (2010). 25.Xiuli Zhou, Meijing Zhang, Lingjie Yi, Yongqi Fu, Investigation of resonance modulation of a single rhombic plasmonic nanoparticle. Plasmonics 6(1), 91-98 (2011). 26.Xiuli Zhou, Wu Zhong, Yongqi Fu, and Chongjun Hu, Tailoring Focal Length of Plasmonic Lenses by Phase Modulation of Emitted Light, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 8(7), 1242-1246 (2011). 27.Haiying Li, Xiangang Luo, Chunlei Du, Xunan Chen, and Yongqi Fu, Ag particles array fabricated using laser interference technique for biosensing,Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 134, 940–944 (2008). 28.Haiying Li, Xiangang Luo, Chunlei Du, Xunan Chen, and Yongqi Fu, Analysis of sensing performance of Gaussian-shaped metallic nano-gratings, Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 2, 023508 (1 August 2008). 29.Yong Yang, Yongqi Fu, Song Hu, Shaolin Zhou, Wei Yan, Wangfu Chen, Xiaoguan Cheng and Zhan Li, Beam splitter achieved by using metallic structure with nanoslits. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 6, 1030–1033 (2009). 30.Shaoli Zhu, Xiangang Luo, Chunlei Du, Fei Li, Shaoyun Ying, Qilin Deng, Yongqi Fu, “Hybrid metallic nanoparticles for excitation of surface plasmon resonance,” Journal of Applied Physics, 101(6), 064701 (2007). 31.Shaoli Zhu, Fei Li, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, A novel bio-nanochip based on localized surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy of rhombic nanoparticles, Nanomedicine Vol. 3, No. 5, 669-677 (October 2008). 32.Shaoli Zhu, Fei Li, Xiangang Luo, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, A Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Nanosensor Based on Rhombic Ag Nanoparticle Array, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 134, 193-198 (2008). 33.Shaoli Zhu, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, Aiqun Liu, Tuning optical properties of rhombic hybrid Au-Ag nanoparticles: A discrete dipole approximation calculation. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 6, 1034-1038 (2009). 34.Shaoli Zhu, Fei Li, Xiangang Luo, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, Influence of Cr buffer layer on detection of amyloid-derived diffusible ligands based on localized surface plasmon poloritons, Plasmonics 4 (2), 135-140 (2009). 35.Shaoli Zhu, ChunLei Du, Yongqi Fu, Aiqun Liu, Localized surface plasmon resonance-based hybrid Au-Ag nanoparticles for detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B, Optical Materials 31(11), 1608-1613 (2009). 36.Shaoli Zhu, Fei Li, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, Fabrication and characterization of rhombic silver nanostructure array used as nanosensor chip. Optical Materials 31(6), 769-774 (2009). 37. Shaoli Zhu, ChunLei Du, Yongqi Fu, Biochemistry Nanosensor-Based Hybrid Metllic Nanostructures Array, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 137, 345–349 (2009). 38.Shaoli Zhu, Aiqun Liu, and Yongqi Fu, Hybridization of localized surface plasmon resonance-based Au-Ag nanoparticles, Biomedical Microdevices 11(3), 579-583 (2009). 39.Shaoli Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Optical biochip with multi-channels for detecting biotin-streptavidin based on localized surface plasmon resonance. Plasmonics 4(3), 209-216 (2009). 40.Shaoli Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Design approach of metallic nanoparticles arrays for biosensing: calculation of enhanced electronic-field. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 7(10), 1894-1899 (2010). 41.Shaoli Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Topical review: metallic nanoparticles array for immunoassay, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7(10), 1855-1869 (2010). 42.Shaoli Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured metallic arrays with multi-shapes in monolayer and bilayer, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12(5), 1829-1835 (2010). 43.Rakesh G. Mote, Wei Zhoui, Yongqi Fu, Beaming of light through depth tuned plasmonic nanostructures, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 121(21), 1962-1965 (2010). 44.Shuhong Li, Chunlei Du, Yongqi Fu, A quick algorithm of exposure distribution for fabrication of micro-optical structures, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 121 (5), 988-992 (2010). 45.Baohua Jia, Haofei Shi, Jiafang Li, Yongqi Fu, Chunlei Du, and Min Gu, Near-field visualization of focal depth modulation by step corrugated plasmonic slits, Applied Physics Letters 94, 151912 (2009). 46.Yu Liu, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Influence of V-shaped metallic subwavelength slits with variant periods for superfocusing. Plasmonics, 5(1), 79-83(2010). 47.Yu Liu, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Polarization dependent plasmonic lenses with variant periods for superfocusing. Plasmonics, 5(2), 117-123 (2010). 48.Yu Liu, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Investigation and comparison of phase modulation approaches for finely focusing, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8(11), 2181-2186 (2011). 49.Yu Liu, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Zonwei Xu, Guosong Zeng, Fengzhou Fang, Experimental study of indirect phase tuning-based plasmonic structures for subwavelength focusing, Plasmonics, 6(2), 227-233(2011). 50.Yiwei Zhang, Yongqi Fu, Yu Liu, Xiuli Zhou, Experimental study of metallic elliptical nanopinhole structure-based plasmonic lenses. Plasmonics, 6(2), 219-226 (2011). 51.Yiwei Zhang, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Investigation of metallic elliptical nano-pinholes structure-based plasmonic lenses: from design to testing, Insciences Journal, 1(1), 18-29 (2011). 52.Zhenkui Shi, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Shaoli Zhu, Polarization effect on focusing of a plasmonic lens structured with radialized and chirped elliptical nanopinholes. Plasmonics, 5(2), 175-182 (2010). 53.Lingjie Yi, Zhou Xiuli, Shi Zhenkui, Fu Yongqi, Shiyong Wang, An Array of SiO2 Helix Structure for Terahertz Filter, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7(10), 1965-1967 (2010). 54.Lingjie Yi, Zhou Xiuli, Fu Yongqi, Lechen Yang, Negative refraction and focusing properties of silver nanowires array with different cross sections, Plasmonics, 6(2), 281-287(2011). 55.Meijing Zhang, Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Zhenkui Shi, Plasmonic Resonance Excited Extinction Spectra of -Cross-shaped Silver Nanoparticles, Plasmonics 5(4), 355-361 (2010). 56.Weixing Yu, Yongqi Fu, Lingli Li, Hongxin Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiangsun, Computational study of the influence of the structural parameters of the plasmonic nanolenses on its focusing effect. Plasmonics, 6(1), 35-42 (2011). 57.Zhihua Xie, Weixing Yu, Taisheng Wang, Hongxin Zhang, Yongqi Fu, Hua Liu, Fengyou Li, Zhenwu Lu, and Qiang Sun, Plasmonic Nanolithography: A Review, Plasmonics, 6(3), 565-580 (2011). 58.Lingli Li, Yongqi Fu, Hongsheng Wu, Ligong Zheng, Hongxin Zhang, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Weixing Yu, The Talbot effect of plasmonic nanolens, Optics Express, 19(20), 19365-19373 (2011). 59.Lingli Li, Yiwei Zhang, Yongqi Fu, Taisheng Wang, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, and Weixing Yu, Experimental demonstration of the Talbot effect of plasmonic nanolenses, Plasmonics, 7(1), (2012).(in press) 60.Ximei Hong, Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Weixing Yu, Zhenwu Lu, Materials dependence of plasmonic nanolenses on superfocusing. Physics Express, 2(1):2, 1-7(2012). 61.Ximei Hong, Yongqi Fu, Weixing Yu, Zhenwu Lu, Characteristics of Au nanowires array-based negative index matermaterials with tunable structure parameters, Journal of Modern Physics, 2(12), 1429-1435 (2011). 62.Dong Liu, Yongqi Fu, Lechen Yang, Xiuli Zhou, Baoshun Zhang, Haijun Li, Kai Fu, Yiqun Wang, Influence of duty ratio on metal gratings for quantum well infrared photodetector, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 36, (2011).(in press) 63.Dong Liu, Yongqi Fu, Lechen Yang, Xiuli Zhou, Baoshun Zhang, Haijun Li, Kai Fu, Yiqun Wang, Optimization of duty ratio of metallic grating arrays for infrared photodetectors, Optics and Photonics Journal, 1(3), 97-100(2011). 64.Rongjing He, Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Near Field Optical Experimental Investigation of Gold Nanohole Array, Plasmonics, 6(1), 171-176 (2011). 65.Lechen Yang, Xiuli Zhou, Yangqi Fu, Yonggang Wang, Multi-frequency terahertz square microstrip patch antenna on two-layer photonic crystal substrates, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, (2012). (in press) 66.Yanying He, Yongqi Fu, Wexing Yu, Study of metallic nanowires with arbitrary cross-sectional shapes for negative refraction, Physica E, 6, (2011).(in press) 67.Jing Wang, Yongqi Fu, Zhijun Xu, Weixing Yu, Zongwei Xu, Fengzhou Fang, Influence of interaction between fiber probe and surface of plasmonic structures on near-field probing, Plasmonics, 7(1), (2012). (in press) 68.Zhihui Ke, Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, and Lingjie Yi, Focus Modulation of Nanopinholes-Based Plasmonic Lens for Far-Field Imaging. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 8, 1220-1225 (2011). 69.Xuan Tang, Yongqi Fu, Zongwei Xu, Fengzhou Fang, Junmei Li, Xiaotang Hu, The size effect of periodic metallic nanoholes array in SERS substrate, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 9(1), (2012). (in press) 70.Qingyi Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Zhimin Zhang, Zhijun Xu, Weixing Yu, Negative refraction and focusing of photonic crystals with graded negative index in visible regime, Plasmonics, 7(2), (2012). (in press) 71.Qingyi Zhu, Yongqi Fu, Shaoli Zhu, Broad band focusing of photonic crystals with graded negative index, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 9, (2012). (in press) 72.Qingyi Zhu, Yongqi Fu, A novel optical beam splitter based on photonic crystals with hybrid lattices, Chinese Physics B, (in press) 73.Gao Zhong, Luo Xiangang, Ma Junxian, Fu Yongqi, Du Chunlei, Imaging properties of photon sieve with a large aperture, Optics and Laser Technology, 40(4), 614-618, (2008/6). B. 有关衍射光学、微 光学、以及光电子领域的学术刊物论文: 74.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Integrated micro-cylindrical lens with laser diode for single-mode fiber coupling. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol.12, No.9, pp. 1213-1215 (September 2000). 75.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of micro- diffractive lens with continuous relief with vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers using focused ion beam direct milling. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol.13, No.5, pp.424-426 (May 2001). 76.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Hybrid micro-diffractive-refractive optical element with continuous relief fabricated by focused ion beam for single-mode coupling. Applied Optics, Vol.40, No.32, pp.5872-5876 (10 November, 2001). 77.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Diffractive optical elements with continuous relief fabricated by focused ion beam for monomode fiber coupling. Optics Express, Vol.7, No.3, pp.141-147 (31 July 2000). 78.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of hybrid microlens integration with vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers for free-space optical links. Optics Express, Vol.10, No.9, pp.413-418 (May 2002). 79.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, One step transfer of diffractive structure from designed pattern to replica with hybrid sol-gel film. Optics Express, Vol.10, No.10, pp.436-442 (20 May 2002). 80.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Design of hybrid micro-diffractive-refractive optical element with wide field of view for free space optical interconnections. Optics Express, Vol.10, No.13, pp. 540-549 (1 July 2002). 81.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Design of hybrid micro-diffractive-refractive optical element with wide field of view for free space optical interconnections: errata. Optics Express, Vol.10, No.15, pp. 714 (29 July 2002). 82.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, Self-organized formation of a blaze grating like structure on Si(100) induced by focused ion beam scanning. Optics Express, Vol.12, No.2, pp.227-233 (26 January 2004). 83.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, A quasi-direct writing of diffractive structures using focused ion beam. Optics Express, Vol.12, No.9, pp.1803-1809 (3 May 2004). 84.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Spontaneously generated sinusoidal-like structures under focused ion beam bombardment. Optics Express, Vol.12, No.16, pp.3707-3712 (9 August 2004). 85.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Influence of astigmatism on fabrication of diffractive structures using focused ion beam milling. Optics Express, Vol.12, No.17, pp.3954-3966 (23 August 2004). 86.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Virtual gray-scale mask for fabrication of micro-optical elements via focused ion beam direct writing. Optical Engineering, 44(12), 128002 (December 2005). 87.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of direct milling of micro-optical elements with continuous relief on substrate by focused ion beam technology. Optical Engineering. 39 (11), pp. 3008~3013 (November 2000). 88.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan. Investigation of diffractive/refractive microlens array fabricated by focused ion beam technology. Optical Engineering. 40 (4), pp.511-516 (April 2001). 89.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, A novel one-step fabrication method of microlens mold array. Optical Engineering (Letters) 40 (8), pp.1433-1434 (August 2001). 90.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of diffractive optical element fabricated on diamond film by use of focused ion beam direct milling. Optical Engineering. Vol.42, No.8, pp.2214-2217 (August 2003). 91.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Microfabrication of diffractive optical element with continuous relief by focused ion beam. Microelectronic Engineering. Vol.54, No.3~4, pp.287-293 (December 2000). 92.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Microfabrication of microlens array by focused ion beam technology. Microelectronic Engineering. Vol.54, No.3~4, pp.211-221 (December 2000). 93.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Microfabrication of microlens mold by focused ion beam technology, Microelectronic Engineering. Vol.56, No.3~4, pp.333-238 (July 2001). 94.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, A novel one step integration of edge-emitting laser diode with micro-elliptical lens using focused ion beam direct milling. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. Vol.15, No.1, pp.2-8 (Feb. 2002). 95.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Semiconductor Microlenses Fabricated by One-Step Focused ion Beam Direct Writing. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor manufacturing. Vol.15, No.2, pp.229-231 (May 2002). 96.Xiaochun Dong, Chunlei Du, Shuhong Li, Changtao Wang, Yongqi Fu, Novel control approach for form accuracy of microlenses with continuous relief. Optics Express, 13(5), 1353-1360 (7 March 2005). 97.Shaolin Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Xiaoping Tang, Wangfu Chen, Yong Yang, Fourier transformation based analysis of moiré fringe patterns of superposed gratings in alignment of nanolithography, Optics Express 16(11), 7869-7880 (26 May 2008). C. 有关微加工、纳米技术领域的学术刊物论文: 98.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Experimental study of micro-cylindrical lens by focused ion beam technology. Journal of Vacuum Sciences and Technology B Vol.19, No.4, pp.1259-1263 (July/Aug. 2001). 99.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures by two-dimensional slice-by-slice approaching via focused ion beam milling. Journal of Vacuum Sciences and Technology B Vol.22, No.4, pp.1672-1678 (July/August 2004). 100.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Fabrication and characterization of slanted nanopillars array. Journal of Vacuum Sciences and Technology B, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 984-989 (May/June 2005). Selected and republished online in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol.9, No.11, 1 June 2005. 101.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Fabrication and characterization of nanopore array. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.6, No.7, pp.1954-1960 (2006). 102.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Experimental Study of 3D Microfabrication by Focused Ion Beam. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.71, No.2, pp.1006-1008 (Feb. 2000). 103.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Nguyen Phu Hung, Calibration of etching uniformity for large aperture multilevel diffractive optical element by ion beam etching. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.71, No.2, pp1009-1011 (Feb. 2000). 104.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of integrated diffractive/refractive microlens microfabricated by focused ion beam. Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 71, No.6, pp.2263-2266 (June 2000). 105.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Dongzhu Xie, Lim Boon Hong, Investigation of Microfabrication of Diamond-Like Film via Focused Ion Beam Milling. Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol.74, No. 8, pp.3689-3692 (August 1 2003). 106.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Compensation of shadow effect for microfabrication of diffractive structures. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.76, No.9, 093116 (September 2005). 107.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Influence analysis of dwell time on focused ion beam micromachining in silicon. Sensors and Actuators, A Physical, Vol. 79, No.3, pp.230~234 (2000). 108.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Characterization of focused ion beam induced deposition process and parameters calibration. Sensors and Actuators, A Physical. Vol.88, No.1, pp.58-66, 20 January 2001. 109.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Data format transferring for FIB microfabrication. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol.16, No.8, pp.600-602 (2000). 110.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Investigation of submicron linewidth direct deposition for high-density IC chip modification by focused ion beam. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol.17. No.11, pp. 835-839 (2001). 111.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Ong Nan Shing, Investigation of 3D microfabrication characteristics by focused ion beam technology in silicon. Journal of Material Processing Technology. Vol.104, No.2, pp.44-47 (2000). 112.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Influence of redeposition effect for focused ion beam three-dimensional micromachining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol.16. No.12, pp. 877~880 (2000). 113.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Zhongwei Shen, A novel harmless trimming for micro-device with defects and particles in arbitrary geometry by fine milling of focused ion beam. Microelectronics Journal, Vol.35 (2), 111-115 (Feb. 2004). 114.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, Dongzhu Xie, Lim Boon Hong, Investigation of surface features on BK7 glass via focused ion beam bombardment. International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol.6, No.2, pp.12-18 (2005). 115.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, Investigation of thermal effect of focused ion beam fabricated microstructures after annealing. International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 4, No. 4, 537-541(2005). 116.Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Loh Thian Fatt, Wei Zhou, Direct formation of nanopore array via focused ion beam fine milling and surface coating techniques. International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol.5, No.3 &4, 529-534 (2006). 117.Yongqi Fu and Xiuli Zhou, Investigation of Aspect Ratio of Hole Drilling From Micro to Nanoscale via Focused Ion Beam Fine Milling , International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, (2010). (in press) 118.N.P. Hung, Yongqi Fu, Effect of crystalline orientation in ductile-regime machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 16, No. 12, 871~876 (2000). 119.Hung N.P., Ali M.Y., Y.Q. Fu, Ong N.S. and Tay M.L, Surface Integrity and Removal Rate of Silicon Sputtered with Focused Ion Beam, Journal of Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2), pp. 239-254 (2001). 120.Ong N. S., Koh Y. H. and Y. Q. Fu, Microlens array produced using hot embossing process, Microelectronics Engineering, 60, 365-379 (2002). 121.Hung N.P., Yongqi Fu, and Ali M.Y., Focused ion beam machining of silicon, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127 (2), 256-260, 2002. 122.Xie DZ, Ngoi BKA, Ong AS, Yongqi Fu, Focused ion beam micromachining of TiNi film on Si(111). Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 211 (3): 363-368 (Nov. 2003). 123.Xie DZ, Ngoi BKA, Yongqi Fu, Ong AS, B.H. Lim, Etching characteristics of TiNi thin film by focused ion beam. Applied Surface Science. 225 (1-4) 54-58 (March 2004). 124.Y. Ren, Yongqi Fu, and K. Liao, F. Li and H. M. Cheng, Fatigue failure mechanisms of single-walled carbon nanotube ropes embedded in epoxy. Applied Physics Letters, 84 (15), 2811-2813 (12 Apr. 2004). 125.D.Z. Xie, B.K.A. Ngoi, W. Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Fabrication and thermal annealing behavior of nanoscale ripple fabricated by focused ion beam. Applied Surface Sciences, 227 (1-4) 250-254 (April 2004). 126.Haixia Qian, Wei Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, G.C. Lim, Crystallographically-dependent Ripple Formation on Sn Surface Irradiated with Focused Ion Beam. Applied Surface Sciences. 240, 140–145 (Feb. 2005). 127.R. Langford, Philipp M. Phaneauf, J Gierak, Yongqi Fu, Applications of FIB Micromachining. MRS Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 5, 417-423 (May 2007). 128.Mohammad Yeakub Ali, Nguyen Phu Hung, and Fu Yongqi, A Review of Focused Ion Beam Sputtering. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 157-170 (2010). 129.Z. W. Xu, F. Z. Fang, Yongqi Fu, S. J. Zhang, T. Han, J. M. Li. Fabrication of Micro/Nano Structures using Focused Ion Beam Implantation and XeF2 Gas Assisted Etching. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 19, 054003 (2009). 130.Z. W. Xu, F. Z. Fang, S. J. Zhang, X. D. Zhang, X. T. Hu, Y. Q. Fu, L. Li, Fabrication of micro DOE using micro tools shaped with focused ion beam, Optics Express, 18(8), 8025-8032 (2010). 131.F. Z. Fang, Z. W. Xu, X. T. Hu, C. T. Wang, X. G. Luo, Y. Q. Fu, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology 59(5), 543–546 (2010).

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