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英国University of Southampton访问学者
在国内外重要学术期刊《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《金融研究》、《金融学季刊》》、《投资研究》、《中国金融评论》、《Management Science and Engineering》、《管理工程学报》、《管理评论》、《系统管理学报》、《管理学报》、《Journal of Systems Science and Information》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《系统工程学报》、《系统科学与数学》、《系统工程理论方法应用》、《系统工程》、《Canada Social Science》、《中国软科学》、《数量经济与技术经济研究》、《预测》、《南方经济》、《Statistics and Its Interface 》、《统计研究》、《数理统计与管理》、《统计与决策》、《管理科学统计决策》、《ACTA MECHAICA》、《Control theory and applications》、《数学物理学报》、《应用科学与工程学报》、《计算机工程与应用》等公开发表学术论文200多篇。其中四十多篇被SCI、EI、ISTP检索.
[1]主权信用评级影响因素的长短期效应检验及对策——评级下调冲击经济的非对称效应启示[J]. 中国软科学, 2011 (12).
[2]流动性补偿、市场内及跨市场“流动性转移”行为[J]. 金融研究, 2008 (9)
[3]机构持股、特质风险与股票收益的实证研究[J]. 投资研究, 2011, 30 (8)
[4]流动性的跨市场影响: 共同因素还是流动性转移[J]. 金融学季刊, 2008, 4 (2)
[5]中国企业债券特征与债券风险补偿[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2008(2)
[6]中国企业债券流动性及其定价[J]. 中国金融评论, 2007 (4)
[7]无交易即无消息吗?[J]. 金融学季刊, 2010 (4)
[8]债券流动性与定单流的信息含量. 中国金融评论2009(4)
[9]基于局部线性核估计的GMDH模型及预测能力分析[J]. 系统工程学报, 2008, 23(1)
[10]有信息冲击、无信息冲击与波动率非对称性. 管理工程学报.2009(2)
[11]持续期间、交易量、波动率与知情交易[J]. 统计研究, 2008, 25 (2)
[12]Informed trading and liquidity in the Shanghai stock exchange. International Review of Financial Analysis(J)2009
[13]Searching multiple structural changes of chinese stock market via GMDH. Journal of Systems science and information(J). 2009(4)
[14]Model of Analog Complexing Algorithm Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition Method .Management Science and Engineering, 2007(1)
[15]Searching Multiple Structural Changes of Chinese Stock Market via GMDH. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2009 (3)
[16]Study on the dual asymmetric effect of monetary policy shocks [J]. Management Science and Engineering, 2011, 5 (3):
[17]The Cross-market Effects of Stock Market System Risk Factors on the Corporate Bond Pricing [J]. Canadian Social Science, 2011, 7 (4)
[18]AC Algorithm Similarity Identification and Trend Forecasting Based on Stock Technical Analysis [J]. Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, 2007 (10):
[19]定单流、流动性与股票市场的投资转移[J]. 管理评论, 2011, 23 (7) .
[20]基于CES生产函数汇率理论的FDI战略动机模型建构[J]. 系统工程, 2009, 27 (1).
[21]FDI两种战略动机类的实证分析[J]. 管理学报, 2009, 6 (3)
[22]定单流冲击下证券投资最优组合模型及应用研究[J]. 系统工程, 2011, 29 (6).
[23]基于Copula-ECM-GARCH模型的动态最优套期保值比率估计及比较研究[J]系统工程, 2011, 29 (8)
[24]基于自由现金流量的证券投资策略及实证[J]. 预测, 2011, 30 (2)
[25]股票之间的风险传染和投资转移[J]. 系统工程, 2009, 27 (7):.
[26]区间均值条件波动率模型[J]. 管理评论, 2009, 21 (6).
[27]基于Legendre多项式的财产损失分布建模研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2007 (8)
[28]基于非参数局部线性核估计的混沌预测[J]. 系统管理学报, 2007 (4):
[29]微利上市公司资产减值准备计提实证分析[J]. 管理评论, 2007 (2)
[30]亏损上市公司计提资产减值准备的价值相关性研究[J]. 管理评论.2007, 19 (7)
[31]资产减值准备计提与会计盈余价值相关性——基于亏损上市公司的经验数据[J]管理学报008 (1):
[32]我国农村剩余劳动力测算及变化趋势研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2009 (24)
[33]The Non-linear Test and Empirically Study on the financial crisis contagion based on Copula Method[C]. The 2011 International Conference on management Science and Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC)2011, 8.
[34]Does flight exist in stock, Treasury bond and corporate bond markets? [C]. The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE 2011), 2010, 5.
[35]Realized volatility and stylized facts of Chinese Treasury bond market [C]. International Conference on Systems Science, Management Science and System Dynamics, Tongji University, 2007, 10.
[36]An Examination of Value Relevance of Assets Impairment Based on the Loss Listed Companies .The Fourth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management . 2007, 6.
[37]The allocation of impairment of assets reserves and the value relevance of the accounting earnings: Based on empirical data of the listed companies to be bad. The First International Conference on Management Innovation (ICMI 2007), 2007, 6.
[38]Research on degree of bubbles and fundamental value of real estate in China and Hong Kong[C]. Applied Economics, Business and Development, 2011, 8.
[39]Causality analysis of warrant market and stock market and the overall significance test in China[C]. Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Institute of Statistic & Management Engineering Symposium, 2010, 7.
[40]Research the Influence Factors of IPO Underpricing Before and After the Split Share Structure Reform[C]. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management, 2010,
[41]A VaR Calculation Method by Introducing the Panel GARCH Model[C]. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management, 2010, 3.
专业名称 |
研究领域/方向 |
招生类别 |
020200应用经济学 |
01金融学 |
硕士学术学位 |